Whew, MP. Those are fightin' words!
Actually, these are two dueling researchers in a large university (just dueling egos, they're in the same department). Alpha doesn't supervise Snarky, but he has seniority, and he signs my timesheets. But Snarky is now in charge of the work I do (it's grant-related and they arrange and rearrange the budgets whenever they like). Alpha isn't perfect but does seem to have a conscience. However, I don't trust him completely either. I've been savaged by so many corporations I thought I was safe with a public university staff job, esp. because they jointly interviewed me and assured me, no worries about it being grant funded, there's always plenty of work here! (They were pressuring me like mad, a year ago, to start immediately, because they needed me. I even got a Superior rating after a sudden audit of my procedures that came from a regulatory dept--Snarky ignored that. He ignores all positives, zeroes in on minor mistakes...I think simply because he's decided he doesn't like me or on some psychological level I remind him of his mother.) Now that Snarky's flexing his biceps, his mask has fallen off and I see the N underneath. (I think that's what's triggered a lot of my response, on some core level it is ... horror. I hadn't noticed, because I so seldom spot Ns for what they are. I forgot--I can get them out of my romantic life but they'll still appear elsewhere! And of course, Snarky is so ambitious that his N-ness is to his advantage. He thrives on his pure focus on publication, getting more money, getting more publications. Well they all do, really.) I think Alpha will prevail...but in the meantime I just have to keep a lid on, emotionally. I have anxiety disorder...
I'll be okay. In the biiiiiiiiig picture, my turmoil over this stuff won't be on my tombstone.
Thanks so very much for the pep talks. Just knowing people care enough to type them makes such a difference.