Hello Arold. I'm in the UK, too.
I was as affected as you are and had to work really hard in order to reach a point where I would not to be affected by the people in my life.
And then...I discovered that it was something called Aspergers Syndrome.
It explains everything!!!
In part, the descriptions we give them are objectively true from the 'outside' but that's not what going on inside THEM. They are on the other side of the fence in another world, on another planet. Once you begin to understand you can begin to forgive them but the prognosis for relationship with a spouse is pretty slim unless they are prepared to recognise their disability.
Relate has specialist counsellors in some areas of the country and the Derby branch has a telephone help line.
I have a child with Aspergers Syndrome - it's given me the insight and compassion to understand my Aspie mother although I find it hard to be quite so compassionate with my Aspie husband.
The main difference between NPD and Apergers seems to be in self-awareness. An Aspie may know they are weird or odd in some way but they do not 'do evil unto others' with any forethought, intention or awareness whereas someone with NPD knows what they are doing and are calculated about it. It's very difficult to tell the difference from the outside. Aspies are often indifferent and hurtful but actually they're being truthful and logical. Their problems are neurological whereas NPD is psychological. As I said...difficult to tell the difference from the outside!!
There are some useful books and pointers available from the National Autistic Society website.
Hi Portia - I was looking for you!!

I'll send you a pm. Sorry to hear you're not well, Write, but it sounds like you're having a very productive time psychologically speaking!!!