Author Topic: Laughing is great!  (Read 5957 times)


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Laughing is great!
« on: January 07, 2004, 08:32:53 AM »
Post 19


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LOL=\=lots of love
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2004, 12:32:30 PM »
Dear Portia,
you know I knew the person well who didn't know what LOL meant and she DID put it in all these odd places! Like signing off of her posts, which could be very serious, of course, dealing with N issues. So there'd be
Dear X,
misery, misery misery, oh I'm so sorry you're dealing with misery I am too, waaahn waahn.

It never made ANY sense until she fessed up to thinking LOL=lots of love.

Total crack up.

Yeah, when the pain is deep, the laughter can be too.

Thanks for the morning smile.


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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2004, 04:46:29 PM »
Brilliant Portia!

I second Nicky's thank you!

Here is one I just made up last weekend...believe it or not my husband started it with some comment about naming a car narcissia:

Having had experience in marketing I quickly knew just how the commercial would go:

With a Musac version of "You are so beautiful to me" playing in the background - the word "me" replaced with "us"...."you're evertything we've hoped for, you're everything we need...." etc.

Italics indicates sexy inflection...
"You've always known you are the best, isn't it time everyone else did too?"

Features second only to you in exquisite exceptionality:
    - A one seater.
    - Second seat optional [/list:u]  NOTE: (due to its standard ejection feature no air bags are available for the 2nd seat - this limitation however made available extra bags for the driver seat. The primary air bag is proactively hense perpetually deployed directly in the line of vision - with all the mirrors there is just too much of
you to enjoy to distract you with the unsightly obsticals in your path - and isn't that the primary function of the mirrors anyway.)
    - There is no liability insurance available for the Narcissia as
you always have the right of way.
- Absolutely NO room for baggage.  
  (this is of course only to protect you from passengers since we know you don't have any baggage.)
- Reflective interior.
- Ability to directly siphon fuel from those cute smiling unsuspecting little VW bugs while traveling at highway speeds and to do so completely undetected.  You'll never have to stop for gas again! :-)
- Turn signals work entirely at random so as to keep other drivers guessing.
- a Musac version of "You are so beautiful to me" the word "me" replaced with "us"...."you're evertything we've hoped for, you're everything we need...." etc. plays each time the windows or doors open or the car experiences impact. Perpetual repeat play feature available also.    
- Instead of the ordinary horn the Narcissia's yells with delicate charm and charisma "Get the *$#!@ outta my way!" and as back up daggers and spikes discharge from all sides of your vehicle at the slightest percieved provocation.
- GPS takes on a whole new meaning for you - all Narcissia come with a Grandiose Persona Simulator just in case of break downs.  [/list:u]
Any other ideas?  And what about an Echo car...saw one just the other day shirking and lurking along the gutter looking with begruding and conflicted affection at the Narcissia. Oh, dear perhaps that was the Love Bug?   :D

Acappella no logga ina

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co dependent humor
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2004, 10:48:13 PM »
A guy goes in to see a psychiatrist about his wife (pluck your mind from the gutter - we are talkin about the patient's own wife here).
Psychiatrist: What is the problem you are having with your wife?
Patient: She thinks she is a chicken. She is scratching up the carpets and pecks at her food. She is crazy Doc!
Psychiatrist: Have you confronted her about this?
Patient: Well, no Doc I haven't.
Psychiatrist: Why not?
Patient: Well, see the thing is I've come to depend on the eggs. :shock:  
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2004, 06:01:32 PM »
Wow Acappella,
that is brilliant!

Here is one I just made up last weekend...believe it or not my husband started it with some comment about naming a car narcissia:

Having had experience in marketing I quickly knew just how the commercial would go:

With a Musac version of "You are so beautiful to me" playing in the background - the word "me" replaced with "us"...."you're evertything we've hoped for, you're everything we need...." etc.

Italics indicates sexy inflection...
"You've always known you are the best, isn't it time everyone else did too?"

Features second only to you in exquisite exceptionality:

- A one seater.
- Second seat optional
NOTE: (due to its standard ejection feature no air bags are available for the 2nd seat - this limitation however made available extra bags for the driver seat. The primary air bag is proactively hense perpetually deployed directly in the line of vision - with all the mirrors there is just too much of you to enjoy to distract you with the unsightly obsticals in your path - and isn't that the primary function of the mirrors anyway.)

- There is no liability insurance available for the Narcissia as you always have the right of way.
- Absolutely NO room for baggage.
(this is of course only to protect you from passengers since we know you don't have any baggage.)
- Reflective interior.
- Ability to directly siphon fuel from those cute smiling unsuspecting little VW bugs while traveling at highway speeds and to do so completely undetected. You'll never have to stop for gas again!  
- Turn signals work entirely at random so as to keep other drivers guessing.
- a Musac version of "You are so beautiful to me" the word "me" replaced with "us"...."you're evertything we've hoped for, you're everything we need...." etc. plays each time the windows or doors open or the car experiences impact. Perpetual repeat play feature available also.
- Instead of the ordinary horn the Narcissia's yells with delicate charm and charisma "Get the *$#!@ outta my way!" and as back up daggers and spikes discharge from all sides of your vehicle at the slightest percieved provocation.
- GPS takes on a whole new meaning for you - all Narcissia come with a Grandiose Persona Simulator just in case of break downs.

Any other ideas? And what about an Echo car...saw one just the other day shirking and lurking along the gutter looking with begruding and conflicted affection at the Narcissia. Oh, dear perhaps that was the Love Bug?