Author Topic: i think my mum is "n"  (Read 1689 times)


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i think my mum is "n"
« on: December 18, 2005, 12:54:43 PM »
hi there, for years i have struggled to understand my mums thinking. she has been able to cast people aside like garbage if they have ever disagreed with her or been a threat. my mum could be very shockingly nasty about people, and anyone who tried to get close to me she would impress on me how they were not good for me, including my husband. 2 years ago she cut me  and one of my sisters off and has refused to speak to us or have anything to do with her grandchildren, all six of them.

she has never been able to see anyone elses point of view, in public she was one person, everyone thinks shes a wonderful, kind person who puts herself out for her family. at times i would stand gobsmacked at the lies she would tell to make people think she was better than she was. public humiliation for me was one of her favorate things to do,putting me down but only a joke of course. my mum either likes to be adored or feared. she would put this front up to people "cross me and you will pay" and people respect her.
i cant explain how she messed with my head. i was certain she was being unfairly critical of me, or spoiling "the choosen daughter" if i spoke my mind it was to my detriment, she would cut me off and i would always have to appologise even when i knew i was right. 2 years ago i wouldnt, 2 years ago i fought back having the biggest row. now i know for her i had crossed the line, and there is no going back. my husband went to see her and she "ate him for breakfast" hubby said her eyes were black and dead, she looked evil and spat poisen about me. i had one phone call from her when, in an attempt to get her to listen to me, i threatened to tell all to all. she rang, she told me then she was ashamed of me and never wanted to see me again. that was that, and my crime? i was not a mini her she could control, i was independant and lead my own life. for that crime, she rejected me and my sister.

i found out the other day, through getting my doctors notes, my mother had a difficult time with me as a child. i used to have temper tantrums and lash out at people, i had a brainscan at 5 yrs old. i rememebered having this scan but my mother would never tell me why. she said she forgot. i found in the notes, th doctors reported that they were concerned at her attitude towards me, the rejection and the serious lack of a bond. a social worker was involved. i never knew that, and i have just found out no-one else did either. it makes sense really, telling people she couldnt cope, even back then would have been impossible for her. how could she make out she was perfect, a perfect mother who coped though the odds.

i have another sister, my mums golden girl who lives over the road from my mum, the exact same house with the exact same conservatory built. my sister is a carbon copy of my mum. of course my mum would love that, and now i know why, it all makes perfect sense. my sister never showed me or my other sister any loyalty when our mother turned her back on us. i think now, my mum is a n and my sister is also, they get on well because they both feed off each other. my dad is a weak simple person who just goes along with my mum for a quiet life, he always has done.

understanding "n" is beginning to help me. but i am so angry at my mother, i am still always protesting my innocence that is never heard. how do you get a "n" mother out of your head??


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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2005, 01:40:11 PM »
well first you had to realise what has happened and understand npd

All of us here have said we are so so angry at a stage in the journey- it is so damned frustrating and knowing that most of the world will never see what we see or understand, maybe even blame us...

But believe me when you come through it you will be stronger, have your own sense of identity and believe in yourself in a way you never could before because of this constant negative prescence sucking you into an alternative reality.

my mum either likes to be adored or feared. she would put this front up to people "cross me and you will pay" and people respect her.
It's interesting how often women are admired for seeming 'strong', for which substitute 'mean'- I laughed at the tv show Roseanne, but seriously having a sister or friend like that in reality would be hell.



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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 01:45:43 AM »
Hi Darky,

My Mum is pretty much like that too. Adore her or fear her. I've crossed the line too and poison has been unleashed on me big time.

The part that you will never get them to see your point of view, possibly never get justice from the world re. how you've been treated, is indeed the hardest to deal with. At least you have a husband who sees your point of view and understands you. Count that as a huge blessing life has given you that many don't have.

At least learnig about Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the beginning. It is a difficult journey, none of us choose it, but it is our cross to bear, what can we say?

Hugs and best wishes, Marta


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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 09:37:30 AM »
Hiya darky :D

i am still always protesting my innocence that is never heard.

Who do you protest to or about? Your mother/sister?

From what you’ve said, neither of them will ever hear you. They don’t have the right sort of ears. They can’t hear. It’s like protesting to a brick wall.

 how do you get a "n" mother out of your head??

Or why do I keep beating my head against this brick wall?

I guess the answer I do it is because some tiny part of me still cares. Still wants the love and acceptance and acknowledgement I never had.

But I have to give that to myself and also take it (yes, take it!) from the people who do love me. Nothing can replace a lost childhood like yours (and those facts you discovered about your early years – they prove that you did indeed have a lost childhood). We can’t make up for what’s lost; but we can understand what happened and why it made it us like we are. Once we know that, we know how to change.

How do you get her out of your head? Keep doing what you’re doing – understand the past. You’re allowed to ask anything of anyone to get those secrets dug up. It will help you. Sooner or later you’ll stop wanting for anyone to tell you that you’re innocent. Because you’ll know it for yourself.

What innocence do you protest about? Who says you’re guilty of anything?


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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 11:39:49 AM »
thankyou so much for your replies. it really helps. i understand more now, and that has helped. for years its been a battle with me, not know why, how etc. accepting this is all part of a long healing process, but at long last i know what my mother is. i now know why she just appeared unhurt and uncaring, in fact seemed to relish in my pain. its really helped me to know the more i protest, the more she is being fueled by me for her own gains, it all makes sense, finding out about this has meant everything has been clicked into place. all the "how could she's"  and "why wont she listen to me" have been put to rest. i have children and i know what unconditional love is, she don't and thats sad. for years i was just a means to an end with her and not living up to her expectations of her perfect life.
now i see it as a godsend, i know i can stop trying to protest and hurt her as she has hurt me, i can now thankgod i got out. my sister who is "the chosen one" isn't so lucky, but thats her problem. i have much love around me and neither of them will know or appreciate what that feels like.
thankgod i found this place, its really helpful to meet and read about others that have suffered the same. what a cruel fate for anyone to have to go through!!!


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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2006, 11:05:21 PM »
Dear Darky,

I to understand you.  I have a mother that is N.  Everyone loves her and thinks that she is so nice.  She has turned some of her friends away from me because she lies to them about things that she feels that I have not done for her.  The only friends that understand are the long time friends that are not around her that much anymore.  I have crossed over that line with my mom and now she thinks that I don't love her anymore because she thought that we were real close.  But, infact a year ago I decided that I couldn't take her anymore and I backed way out of my relationship with her. 

I have a friend that I was talking to in Sept of this year and she labled my mother as a N.  I read up on what a N was and my mom is one.  What so bad about being a N is that most of them will never own up to it because they think everyone else has the problem not them. 

My husband has had many talks with my mom and he eats her up alive.  Infact she is a little scared of him.  She tried for years to cut him down and she knows that it will never work.  I always gave in and felt sorry for her.  I can't do that anymore.  I feel bad but I don't feel guilty anymore. I have not done anything wrong.  I am in a healing process right now.  She doesn't understand and never will. I feel short changed in the mother department.  I have two daughters and one granddaughter.  I will never do what my mom has done to me to my two girls.  I just live each day as it comes regarding my mom.



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Re: i think my mum is "n"
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 02:56:54 AM »
Hi Darky,
Your story sounds very familiar to me in regards to my own mother. I was raised to please her and if I dissapointed her then I would be treated soo badly. There are four of us kids. Three of us just have had enough of her and my youngest brother is living in denial.
She is a N too. She fits the profile very much. People think she is great from the outside. I have had to accept myself as valuable and have come to the realization that unless she accepts my feelings then I have cut off contact. I feel sooo much freer and I actually pity her. She is the one that has to live a lie, she misses out on having a great relationship with her kids. She is a terrible Grandmother. She doesn't really care about any of her grandkids and doesn't care to see them. They are an inconvienience for her. I have used this experience to be positive. She destoyed my childhood but she will not destroy my adulthood. I am a strong, caring person as a result and strive to be honest, open, loving and accepting. She thinks she has the upper hand on me but she is sooo wrong. It's been painful knowing that my mum may never hear  me. The best way I have moved on is accepting that I can live without my mum and she is a the one missing out on life. I have emotionally let go of the hope of her changing. It sounds harsh but I often tell myself that I don't have a mum.