The ex was diagnosed during our divorce. She insisted that we go through a custody evaluation, because she was certain that the psychiatrist would deem me unfit. We both went through a series of interviews, tests and observations, and he disgnosed her then. It was a very high conflict divorce, and I even showed him evidence threats against my life and threats of violence against daughter. My daughter, who was 4 at the time, told me one afternoon as I was driving her to her mother's "Daddy, when I am dead will you get a big ladder and come up to heaven to get me. Mommy says I am going to be dead soon, and I will miss you." Imagine my horror. I told this to the psychiatrist who was evaluating us, and he did nothing. Never even mentioned it to me again.
He was supposed to determine which of us was the more fit parent for custody. I figured that when the report came out, with all the evidence that I had, my case would be locked up. When his report came out, (the morning that we were going to court for our last negotiations before having to go to trial) he made no decision. He just said that we should split the time and wouldn't make a custody determination. It was very wishy washy. I found out later that he is notorious for saying a lot without ever really making any decisions. It was from this report that I found out about the NPD diagnosis. I don't know if this is considered an official diagnosis. She wasn't tested specifically for it, but it is coming from a psychiatric doctor.
We negotiatied all day and came up with a fairly decent deal. My lawyer advised me to take the deal because I judge was well known for siding with the mother. I spoke with some one who used to be a CPS investigator just recently, and he said that it is likely he would have ruled in her favor even with the NPD.
I absolutely agree that she should not be a counselor, but all you have to do is go to school for it and apply for certification. There are no tests for your own mental health. Plus she is very charismatic and charming. She is very good at manipulation and controlling conversations.
I try to be very careful about what I say about her mother. Daughter has enough problems. She doesn't need more stress from me. I work very hard trying to preserve their relationship. Maybe that makes me an enabler, but it breaks my heart when a little girl tells me "sometimes I think mommy doesn't really love me". I really have thought about seeking sole custody a lot. I want to protect and help her, but I don't want to hurt her by keeping her from being with her mother. Also money is very tight right now. I am out of work and my back up savings are nearly gone. I have been collecting unemployment, which runs out in about 2 months, and with the amount I get (not enough to really live on - as I sit here typing in the cold), I make to much to qualify for legal aid or assistance. So I either need a high paying full time job or wait for the unemployment to run out.
I really want to get into counselling for myself. I need to get myself out from under her control. But with no job or insurance, I just can't afford it. Once things settle down after Christmas, I'm going to try to make some calls to see what financial help is out there.
I also appreciate the bed wetting article. I have done a ton of research on it, and understand the problem. But mom won't listen to any of that. She has decided that daughter is doing it on purpose and there is no changing her mind once it is set.
So much has been going on for so long that it is hard to dig it up and take a look at it again. I want to really thank everyone for listening and trying to help. It really has been wonderful for me the past few days.