Dear Mum
This is the weirdest letter I've ever written and one that you will never see. I cannot send this letter because this is my reality and possibly something you are completely unaware of, even if you were to read this.
Now I find it amazing to love and hate someone at the same time, but throughout my childhood I managed it with you. I am beginning to see that all the anger you dealt me, the physical blows, the hair pulling, the name calling, the controlling until I was a prisoner in my own room, was not my responsibility. It was yours, and totally yours and I give you this back. As my Mum, I can see now that all you were supposed to do was love and nurture me, giving me the strength to grow and evolve as a person. Instead you beat it out of me and left me terrified of you. The rememberance of that fear shall live with me every day, however surprisingly I have grown to appreciate love and kindness, and I accept it when it is offered to me.
I grew up feeling like I was looking in at you all. You, dad and N all seemed to gel, you all got on and you all seemed quite happy. Me, I was this thing, this horrible object from your previous relationship... not good enough to be part of your new family. Because your family had died, and bio dad had alienated his family, we only ever saw my Stepdad's family. For me, when you did choose to have me in the room with them, I felt these invisible lines, joining you all up. You were all blood related to each other, however I just had one thread, attached to you on the outside of the group, the outside of the family. Now since you don't see his sister, and now Nan has died, I don't feel this as much. Plus when you completed rejected me and ensured I didn't have a place in your house, I knew I had to go it alone. In a bizarre kind of way, this has been my saviour and allowed me to become the person I am today, the person that you seem to be proud of. I still don't understand why you are proud of me... because you were such a good parent and brought me up so well. I am so sorry to say this isn't the case. I don't think the fear of you will ever totally leave me and be forgotten.
Now you wonder why N doesn't have the confidence to leave, why he doesn't have friends etc.... and it's down to you too. At least, as far as I know, he never received your anger like I did. He was always the favoured child by you, possibly because he didn't try to speak up. One day he will either speak up, or you will die. He's young so I sincerely hope its the former and he doesn't go through life feeling like he's wasted it, or choose a partner who will do everything for him like you do.
You live in your closed little world, that is up to you. I'm lucky, I escaped and with the help of friends, I not only survived but I suppose I found who I was and I know I'm a good person. I'm not perfect by any means, but I know I didn't deserve your anger. I didn't deserve my parents.
Maybe one day you will understand what it was like for me, maybe one day you think back to how you treated me and maybe one day you will apologise to me, but I'm not counting my chickens.
I'm alive!
H&H xx