Hello, everyone and Merry X-mas!
Try as I may I cannot get myself in the Holiday spirit. I am very thankful for my young daughters. Without them I don't know where I'd be right now. This is the first Holiday w/out him,(N), in eight years. I have such an ache in my heart, even after his adultery and abuse, the lies, the games....I must really be sick!! Why do I miss a man who has systematically withdrawn any signs of affection toward me over the course of the last few years? Why am I mourning the passing of a relationship that was so wrong? Why, (eventhough there is a restraining order against him, an arrest for domestic and another for violation of restraining order/harrassment),do I feel the overwhelming urge to speak with him....to hear his voice. Although realistically I know he would either be extremely nasty or very grateful in a manipulative sort of way,( eventually schmoozing his way into another turn at making our lives hell), I cannot stop myself from imagining himappologizing and expressing his love in truest sincerity. It is a fantasy. Those are the things I wanted so long to hear, yet he was telling them to other women. I am a freakin' mess!!