This is interesting because in my family, my Mother talks constantly (maybe because Dad never listens to her?) and my N. father makes faces behind her back to draw attention away from her. Or sometimes he pretends like he's pounding on her head, or strangling her, wilst making funny faces. He is also always waiting for the break in any conversation so he can add a cynical joke or just his 2cents about how he's the authority on [whatever is being discussed] and how [whoever is being discussed] doesn't know as much as he does on the topic. Wine is a good example. Somehow in the past few years he's become an expert on everything having to do with winemaking and growing grapes (he attended some wine academy in Napa a few years ago) although he's never grown a grape in his life. Another popular saying of his is that beer is somehow inferior to wine (except Heinekin, which he receives as gifts from his students). He will actually argue that someone who drinks Corona, "doesn't know that beer is crap." Sometimes you laugh because what he says is so outrageous and off the wall--that you can't believe he's just said it. His descriptions of episodes with neighbors or students, for example, where he is the "tough guy who doesn't take crap from no one." One time he described an incident where he harrassed a neighbor about her barking dog. The woman was a college student (easy prey); him or my Mom or both, went over to her house and threatened her that if 'she didn't control her barking dog, my Dad would lose control of his car, and it would end up on her driveway at 2 in the morning, honking." People laughed, but I was secretly horrified. My Mom went on to describe how the police showed up and prohibited either of them from coming within 20 feet of the woman's house again! They seemed proud of this. People laughed, but we were thinking (at least I was) "how sick is that, that poor woman--I feel sorry for her, having him as a neighbor." He doesn't care that we are laughting AT him, either, he's just happy he has the attention of the room.
People outside our immediate family (those who have married into it) think his behavior is rude to strange, to say the least, and that his reactions to things are often inappropriate and sometimes utterly confusing. On father's day, for example, my sister in law told my Dad "Happy Father's Day." My Dad appeared offended and replied "I'm not your father, don't wish me a happy father's day." (this put her in her "Place" instantly).