Wow. Amazing about fathers and brothers' invasions, CeeMee and Write.
I do see it as my brother's complete lack of recognition of my right to privacy.
His boundary invasion and sense of entitlement was simiply an "adut" extension of the intimidation and bullying he did to me as a child. Bullying = boundary invasion. He's also been a pathological liar all his life.
This time, I was a grownup, so I said to him, Do not ever go into my study or touch my computer again. He "acted" ashamed but I have no reason to believe him. Far as I know he hasn't done it again, but I installed a "power on" password. I found it interesting that he had a very last-minute visit to my mother once I was out of state recently. I had my laptop with me and he couldn't access my main computer, but I have no confidence that he wasn't rooting through my paper files. I don't care anymore though. One of the issues is that my mother is leaving me the house and him all the contents, which is not a 50-50 split. Tough. He's been very neglectful and I've been living here for seven years, and cared for my father too for years before that. So all of a sudden now that she's very old he's visiting more than in the last 30 years. He and his wife are going to inherit from relatives on her side.
Write, I like your definition of sin. Sure works for me. It must not have been true in the UU congregation you got involved in, which sounded like a very painful experience, but some UUs use traditional religious vocabulary, including the concepts of evil and sin, to describe what they believe, and others do not. One literally cannot generalize about what all UUs believe or don't believe. It's a non-creedal religion. See or's forum on UUism. Anyway, we've touched on this topic before...
Belief statements or judgements don't protect or harm people, imho, behaviors do. I'm so sorry you ran into a rum bunch. Have you ventured into a new church that's feeling better for you? I hope you will soon find a positive community that feels right for you. Somebody was going to start a religious abuse thread...that's a good idea. So much harm is done to people who are vulnerable in some churches or congregations. Across the board. A good church is a great blessing, a bad one can be a horror.
Maybe if we deal with religious issues on a separate thread we ought to do the same for politics, but before that I have to chime in that I too find the Stepford wife quality of Laura Bush chilling, and George W's blankness reminds me brother's. Eeek. I think (whoops, wrong thread) that rigidity and fundamentalism of any stripe can produce that mask-like certainty. It shows. (Reminds me of what somebody here once said about Narcissist's incredible self-confidence.) I guess being "saved" can do that. I always just felt I was being shoved out of the boat because I couldn't sign on the party liine.
Happy New Year to all. I'm going to have a movie with a couple from church. NMom has vapors and complains every time I go out on a weekend. She wants me to stay home and sit and listen because she's lonely. And of course, it's true. I simply can't stand it. I feel sorry for her but I can't fill her need.
Guiltily, but going anyway,