hi jessica, your story could be mine. its the most painful thing in the world to have a mother like this. i tell people it would be easier if she was dead, yeah harsh words i know but at least then she could not torment me by using other people, people i care about.
i think the hardest thing is what it does to my head, i always knew something wasnt right about her, i had feelings, she just manipulated people and me and messed with my head with her comments that could stop traffic on a motorway!
for example, her best friend lost her son, it was a tragic accident he died whilst in the army in training. my "mother" said "it serves her right, shes done bad shes getting what she deserves" another example, one of my cousins is blind, she has been blind since the age of 8yrs old, she had optic nerve was severed from the brain she was always going to be blind, it was like a time bomb waiting to go off, my mother said "its the mothers fault, she must have been wacking her accross the head" of course my mother never did that, yeah right, she would protest she never did, but i rememeber quite a few cracks about my head from HER.
one of my "mothers" favorate sayings was "i never wash my dirty laundry in public" so you can imagine me, as a child, i had a rather big mouth i spoke out of turn,always, in fact i was well known for it! i know now i am an adult aspergers, one of the things that makes me is i say things, without thinking, i opened my mouth and boy did i ever used to get it. that look of evil, "you and your big mouth, get out of my sight!" then a slap and be punished.
the hardest battle i have had is having to go through my life in detail, rewinding and now making sense of all the evil things she said and done. now i feel much better off. she had a hold over me emotionaly for years, now i realise im the lucky one, im out im free. i have a wonderful life with three children whom i adore each and everyone. i have a good husband, so i have a lot to be grateful for. i know what she is, theres no point in me even hoping for any reconciliation. theres no point in thinking i need to get even. i have already! she couldnt live her life like mine, she was envious of me, everything i did and do, me having a life and being happy is my revenge to her, she will hate that!! isnt it great???
seriously, i gave up with other people a long time ago. i dont feel i have to protest no more, hopfully one day you will feel the same too. what does it really matter what other people think? the best thing you can do is to stop trying to get justice, stop trying to explain to people, what does it matter what they think, you know, thats all that counts. if people turn their back on you, thats their look out because they are still victims! you are out, count your lucky blessings. hugs to you xxx