Also, your daughter might not be missing her actual father. She might be missing the father she wishes she had, and trying to check in with him from time to time to see if he really is that father in any way.
I think this is a bulls eye........ I would believe her dreams are shattered but not unexpected.
I asked her today if he told her about any more surgeries, she said yes he will have his elbows done on Monday.
I explained how it would be nice if he would come here so he would not be alone, she said he might want to after a few years when his recoveries are done.
I'm trying to give her hope, not that I would want to ever see him.
D, misses her dad, she wants to be loyal, she feels sorry for him as he reminds her how alone he is because
I caused the distance between them causing him a stroke which lead to him crashing his car.
Is this what he is telling her, not what you believe?
This is the crazy stuff he tells her, I know it's not true. I'm sure he was on his meds when he crashed the car.
He over reacted about something D said to him and stayed in the bed room for a 1week telling us how he wanted to die from a blood clot.
This was very upsetting to us, the more we wanted him to get up and walk around after the surgery
( 1 yr ago today) the more he wanted to punish us by not moving, reminding us how not moving would settle the blood in his lungs causing a stroke. We moved out of state 7 weeks later.
He crashed the car about 3 mos after we left, telling D someone died in the crash and he found himself in the hospital.
( I have a friend that writes me and sees him riding his bike, she also sent me a picture of the crashed car. The passenger side near the hood in front of the door is missing, doesn't look like a deadly crash and the car still runs. She said he's not walking with this cane. I can't say too much to D about all of this or she may tell him I have people that tell me what they see. )
it may help to say he is a responsible adult... he is responsible for himself, it may help to talk about personal responsibility.
13 year olds turmoil (as Plucky said), she's also dealing with an emotionally manipulative dad....
maybe next time she says how tough her life is, what about giving her a hug and empathizing with her how tough her life is.
I agree HH taking responsibility for your own actions, is a must even if her N-dad never does maybe she will learn how to recognize the distruction this attitude has for yourself as well has the hurt to those around you.
getting her away from this poor attitude of his is the best thing for her.
I do empathize with her and will keep in mind how important this is, keeping my mouth in check to say the loving things she needs right now.
Personally I'd love to one day see the court files on their divorce and custody of me, but whether I can actually get this information or not will remain to be seen in the future.
I learned from the court there is already a date in place for the custody papers to be destroyed
when D is 18teen
I may not have very long to live....
My N-ex H, learned this well from his N- mother, she has been telling him how shes going to die for years.
Thanks for the reply 10:30 I have to call the courts wish me luck to keep custody, I'm pretty sure the courts will not make me move back to CA. ............OR