Author Topic: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents  (Read 8060 times)


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My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« on: January 05, 2006, 11:59:12 PM »
Hi everyone,
I'm just a newby and have only just realized the extent of what my parents did and why we are the way we are. My siblings recognise that our parents have done wrong, however they do hold hope, I don't have much hope at all.
So my hubby and I thought that we could do a documentry with him interviewing each family member of our family and their partners. My hubby knows the extent of what the narc is capable of.  He thinks that it can't be planned because somedays my siblings want to talk about it and other days they don't. But over a period of a year we can do this. I don't know what he would want to do with the tape once its finished (if it ever works) but I thought it was a wierd and interesting idea.



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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 12:07:23 AM »

Hmmm. What would be the purpose of it all? Expose your N parents to WHOM? THe ones who ought to know, all their children, do know.

On the flip side, you may not have experienced the full extent of N rage yet. Even minor disagreements, like about where to go for vacations, can set off N rage to an explosive extent. An effort to "expose" them will mean full-fledged war with most downtrodden tatics employed against you. It would also mean remaining ensnared in the N trap, for you are still engaged with them. I'd say run and don't look back.


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 04:33:08 AM »
Hiya Jessica

While you and your hubby have seen the light, and realised that the problem is your Mum, I feel that this may be something the rest of your family need to wake up to in their own time.  I feel that by pushing the issue is a possibility for a lot of conflict, and it is also possible that your siblings aren't ready to face up to things... sometimes people stay in denial to stay where they feel safe.  I would advise that on a day when your siblings want to talk about it, then possibly mention what you've discovered and let them look up information, or suggest that you have some information on N's for them to read.  It's such a bizarre situation... normally the way you and your hubby are thinking are ways of dealing with things, you identify the problem and then find a workable solution... but with N's it's such a delicate and tricky balance that this seems to go out of the window.

Take care

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 05:39:46 AM »
My first instinct is to say:  bad idea.  So I'll say it.  But here's why:

I think your H will get frustrated when he asks and people don't want to be videotaped.  I think he will be frustrated if they do, but then later change their minds about it.  In other words, I think his expectations are set pretty high.

But lastly, even if this videotape is shown those who you want to expose, they won't get it.  So again, your expectation will not have been met and you'll feel a whole lot worse.  Also, later it could be used against you two.  In other words, if someone in the family has a change of heart they could say "they manipulated me to make that tape."  Then you look like the controlling one.

I think it's better to keep the line of communication open with others who feel the same way.  But let them pick their time and place to "expose" if they want. 

Maybe I'm thinking of those Ethics training videos they show at work, but one thing that keeps popping into my head is that just because you've been wronged, the best thing for You may not necessarily be to become the Whistle Blower.  Remember to take care of You.  The last thing you want to do is make it worse for yourself.  So you expose the bad guys.  Does do you much good if in the process you destroy your mental health, lose your job and a healthy relationship with your H.  No what I mean?  Not saying that terrible things Would happen, just saying, ask yourself if you could deal with it if the worst did happen and everything backfired and it all just blew up in your face.

There are no imperfect intentions, only imperect plans.


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2006, 06:11:00 AM »
Hello 2224Jessica:

I can understand the need to want to punish the people who have hurt us.  However, believe me, your time is better spent doing "damage control" in the areas of your life that have been affected by Narcissists.

It is more constructive to rebuild and repair yourself from any psychological trauma from your experience with Narcissists than to spend time exposing them.  In time, they will expose themselves on their own.  And whether that happens or not ---- don't spend too much time thinking about that either.  It will only frustrate you.

Focus on healing and setting personal goals.  As husband and wife, you have your whole lives ahead of you.  Sometimes you have to walk away from situations that are poisonous ----like Narcissism.  The behavior of these pitiful individuals is poisonous to anyone who wants to have a measure of psychological health. 

Sometimes, the best means of maintaining some normalcy in your own life is to RUN!

 :)  Solayds


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 07:10:11 AM »
I agree with everyone but have to say it's an idea I would love to see developed by a serious documentarian. They do serious shows on all sorts of things on PBS, such as Frontline, and I'm thinking I might write them and ask if they'd ever considered doing a program on Nism.

I think it would be fascinating.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2006, 10:03:01 AM »
Thanks again every for everyones advice,
I asked my hubby what would be his reasoning for doing this and he said "It would provide a clear and purposefull account of life for all the children in that household.  They would all retell events with the purpose of having a record of fact.  Verified by multiple accounts.  Facts that are denied and buried.  N Parents can then choose to accept the facts and deal with it or deny it but live with the knowledge that it is collected together and clearly explained on a DVD that everyone in the family has.  The idea is not to hurt but to make the facts of actions and choices be based on evidence and truth rather than bouncing words around and debating what things mean.  A DVD can also not be yelled into silence and submission.  It cannot be treated as never being said as more than one copy would exist.  It would also show a clear and consistent pattern of abuse rather than the effects of abuse on the adult children today."
So with that said, I do think that its probably, too hard, too risky, too tiring, too helpless, too forceful and too scary. I think that from his point of view he doesn't have to go through healing like I do so he can separate his feelings from it, I can't. Also it won't make my parents care.   There is no easy way to get over this is it? Is it time that makes it better? Also thinking about your responses made me think that, it may make me feel better but it may make my siblings feel worse (facing truth). I am quite saddened by this discovery  about my parents so really I need to focus on myself not them, I can't change them.
You guys have been extremely helpful, I don't know what I would do without you. Does it ever make more sense with time?

Jessica :)


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2006, 10:16:39 AM »
Hi Jessica

I can see why you and your H want to make a DVD, and in fairness you could still do that if you wanted to, to bring your thoughts and feelings to life, to face your childhood.  Once you've made the DVD, you could then decide what you would like to do.  I agree with you that I don't think it will make your parents face up to things... if they denied your letter, then the chances of them denying the DVD is just as likely, regardless of who sees the DVD.

I also agree with you about focusing on yourself.  I don't know about you, but with me, so much of my life has been about them and meeting their needs that I found it difficult to focus on me and put my needs first.  I am still relatively new to this myself, but with reading and searching the web, it is making more sense than in the first instance.... I find it like peering through fog, which is turning into mist.  I'm not sure if I will ever see a clear blue sky in this, but it is clearer than in the beginning.

Take care

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care

miss piggy

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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2006, 11:43:16 AM »
Hi Jessica,

I think that you, Jessica, are right on track with your own recovery: 

I think that from his point of view he doesn't have to go through healing like I do so he can separate his feelings from it, I can't. Also it won't make my parents care.   ....I am quite saddened by this discovery  about my parents so really I need to focus on myself not them, I can't change them.

I know I have this impulse to share new discoveries with anyone who will listen and I have to check myself.  Even though I may perceive that someone else could use this information that helped me so much, they may not be receptive for many different reasons.  Let's say I just discovered this amazing diet and I lost an incredible 80 lbs.  And let's say my sibling could stand to lose 160 lbs.  If sib is willing and able to seek out and accept help, it may or may not be from me.  Sib may be quite happy keeping the 160 lbs. 

I think the video is intrusive.  If my sib came to me and wanted to do this and even if I thought it might do some good, I would feel very uncomfortable anyway giving someone else a recorded copy of VERY PERSONAL family information that will live on forever.  This would be publishing and having no control over distribution.  I wouldn't like it.  And the idea still smacks of trying to fix N.  Can't be done.

Again, I think you are wise to focus on your own health and recovery.  You can support your sibs if they approach you and you are able to help them in an appropriate way.

Just my two cents.  :)  MP


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2006, 06:32:38 PM »
Hi Jessica,

Presenting a DVD to a couple of Ns detailing their various sins will have about as much value as hitting a mule over the head with the camera you shot it with.
They'll just look at you, confused and maybe a little dazed, and wonder what all the commotion is about.
Then as soon as you bend over to pick something up they'll back up to you kick you into next week.
Or they may just kick you for fun, right off the bat.

Either way there have got to be more useful things to do.
BTW I couldn't understand by your post whether you were saying your sibs are Ns too. Are they?



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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2006, 11:20:03 PM »
They might actually really be flattered and enjoy it, even show it around.  :lol:

Don't forget that Ns love negative attention almost as much as they love positive attention.


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2006, 05:46:13 AM »
Hi every one,
Mudpuppy, Just my mum is a narc, my dad an enabler. My siblings are not thankgoodness, I don't know how anyone deals with that. the four of us sibs are very close, I guess I'm lucky that I have them, I think its best not to waste my time.... Thanks guys


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2006, 01:33:43 PM »
I mean not wasting my time trying to change my parents

Jessica :)


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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2006, 12:24:52 AM »
I don't think that you really need to go though all of that.  I am sure they already now.  Some people just do not like to talk about negative things.  In my family my mom has always had a nick name from my all of my cousins.  (Mean aunt !!!!!!).  I really didn't know what they were talking about.  They all new a long time before I did.  They are nice to her and never say anything bad about her to me.  My mom has done some real nasty things to my aunts and uncle's.  They are and always have been on to her.

My mother has a longtime friend (42years) and she know that my mom is the way she is.  She has told me that growing up my brother and myself were put on the back burner to my mothers own wants in life.  She has also told me that she felt very sorry for us.    But,  she is still her friend.  They are not as close but they still talk.  I know that we all think of great ideas to try to wake up these people that have treated us so bad but honestly this might just be another failure that could only hurt you again.



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Re: My hubbys crazy idea about exposing my narc parents
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2006, 02:40:30 PM »
And, of course I'm going to go against the grain here and the norm and say GO FOR IT!  EXPOSE THEM FOR ALL IT'S WORTH!

If doing a videotape will maybe cause some people to step in and help and take notice, then SHOUT IT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN TOP>>>>ABUSERS WITHIN!

sorry, but I don't have a whole lot of mercy on an abuser, until and unless they are ready to admit the abuse and get the help!
