Author Topic: I'm getting sick again  (Read 3516 times)


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I'm getting sick again
« on: January 09, 2006, 11:55:45 AM »
I don't know if it's Christmas or just a natural cycle, but I can feel myself getting more and more manic, I slept 4 hours last night without medication.

Tonight I'll take a pill, and I'm seeing the dr on weds, I booked the long appt before Christmas in case I needed it.

So if I start rambling on don't take it personally anyone, please! I'm pretty outspoken normally, when I'm manic I become even more so...

This is the first time I've tried to handle a manic phase without meds, the doctor thinks at best I'll have to take them some of the time, but I wanted to try without for a while and see if all the lifestyle changes make a difference.
They do, and the rapid cycling isn't as bad, but it still doesn't prevent mania.

In fact the dr predicted a low level of mania over time will escalate.

Oh well.
Start upping the meds, until then I'll take advantage of all this energy.
Yesterday I cleared the garage, I've written a few things and I'm off food shopping, going to experiment with veg curries tonight.


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 02:30:27 PM »

I feel it fabulous that you are recognising your behaviours... you are recognising what is happening to you.  Have you any idea how many people deny this kind of thing, deny anything is different.

I am really amazed by your strength, and yes, why not use some of the manic stage to get things done.  But just don't be afraid to take the meds either.  You are doing really well hon.

Take care

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
Somehow, I feel better too!
Hugs r better when u share
So pass one on & show u care


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 04:12:54 PM »
thank you dear ((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))

I've enjoyed a manic day out shopping but- thanks to my new behavioural techniques!- not out of control, nothing I can't easily afford!
I'm sure my friend has heard enough of me for one week though...fortunately she talks quite fast and animated herself.

You are right about the denial- I denied it myself for years. I am really glad I got counselling and came to terms with it.

Hopefully I can ride the wave without going off into the sunset this time!!!!!


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 07:37:09 PM »
Poor you manic periods doesn't sound so fun. Myself have been psychoticthree times in my life. Th e first time 1993, the second time 2000 and now the last time I wanted so badly to get pregnant. So I have taken risperdal 0,5 for a couple of years and I telephoned to my docter that I wanted to stop in order to get pregnant. She said fine and than I turned sick and I went to France to find me another boyfriend because my boyfriend since 4 years who by the way is french too didn't want to have kids. I turned a bit sick psochotic it is difficult to explain but I think all people are against me and I think that the TV is talking about me ad also the newspapers and so on. But I'm not violent in any sense. My boyfriend came to get me in south of France, Perpignan. Since both of us speak French it was no problem. THen he wante d me to come in contact with a psychiatrist since here in Sweden you have to come by yourself. Anyway it all turned out fine I could have been killed there in France I lost my car that's all and a lot of money but now I have a wonderful daughter who was born in november and we will soon be living together again. I had to take a flat of my own in order to get our relationship to work again because he was so fed up with me. I have come to get in contact with homeotherapie which works for me much better than risperdal. I know they have that in the US too. It's much better healthier for your body the doctor is much more interested in his work to cure people. He sees to the whole of you. It is important to get in contact with someone who is serious. I have also come to understand of all this that the problem has been my mother, she is suffering from a pathological narcissism and that 's why she has given me such a hard time all my life. I am a bit sad for that since I have always worked hard I am a school teacher, have travelled a lot and I am usually a very happy person. Now when I at last have my baby she continues to bully me, all times when we see each other and she does it in a very skilfull way so that nobody sees, now I would like her to get somehelp and see the homeotherapist herself in order to get some help and so she will finally stop bullying me. but she is so afraid of seeing the truth so instead she bullies me for instance she can say that I think a man in the newspaper is someone that I know, and I have never seen him before in my life, or she is quite rich and I am not but I am quite well off with my allowances for having achild but I have a few debts I have to pay off. She likes people to think that she pays all the time for me and that I have no money but I have always worked and earned my living my boyfriend have not had so much moeny either since he has been a student now he will soon start working as a navalengineer and we will start living more regular life. BUt she is bullying me that I have no money and so on. I like creams and nice clothes and I have more imagination than she. SO she buys really ugly things to me as a christmas present and when she makes dinner for my boyfriend and me she dreese really ugly and makes herself muchworse than she is. I coloured her hair and it looked quite nice the next thing she does she cuts it off so it looks awful. I have a sister too and to her she is really nice she lives a more swedish life she is married and sheahs two kids. But since my mother hates France and I love it she is never kind to me. Now I'm so fed up when she stills continues to bully me and I have to have some help from them since I have a baby and my boyfriend is in France. WHen he is with me she doesn't dare to be mean. SHe is really a coward and she is nothing special  she has worked as a secretary in her life now she is a pensionaire. She ha never gone to the university or anything and my father is really stupid too but they say that they have a lot of money. But all my life even when I was small she has bullied me I rememver she said when I was 12 that I only looked nice from behind, that I had ugly feet. I look better than her now but she has never said that I was goodlooking or kind instead she sais that I am ugly or mean. It starts to be pain ful with the baby I could use some help to babysit but I am even scare to leave her to her.I hope that she will realise that she is the one who is more sick t han I in fact. SHe has all the symtoms I have read. No empathy whatsoever for me, never satisfied, thinks she is better than other peopke. bullies me since I was really small, has never really had a sex life. Well, I just thought that homeopathie is really the best and for the first time I am forty now I start to enjoy living and even if it is a bit hard to reaveal the truth I am figthing for the truth to come out. long live the truth. best regards and take care helena   


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 12:24:12 AM »
Hi Write,

Good for you and best of luck and health to you as you move toward a drug free (or at least drug reduced) lifestyle.  I admire your efforts to change your behaviors and life style to make it all happen.  If you were offensively outspoken, I sure didn't notice it and even if you do ramble your manic voice, this is the place for it and I look forward to all your posts. 

I am off my mood stabilizer for some weeks now and I am feeling fine.  If anything, I've had to fight the holiday depression and not any hypomania so far.  When I told my doctor some months ago that I wanted to get off the mood stabilizer and self monitor, she said quite convincingly that I would not be able to see myself going manic nor control it.  Given my past experience with mania, I was not in a position to argue her. 

Keep us posted.   I'm pulling for you.

Your fellow bi-polar



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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2006, 03:40:36 AM »
Hi Write,
I want to wish you well as you weather this bout of change. I don't know what it's like but you do, and that's what matters. (It must be confusing to be "sick" when there's so much energy involved...but I've read enough to understand that bipolar mania is no fun.)

I'm glad you're so aware and being watchful. Glad you have friends here like CeeMee who can offer the wisdom of someone who's walked in those shoes...

(And greetings and welcome, Helena.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 11:13:35 AM »
Hi Helena, thanks & welcome.

I don't know if anyone's seen this discussion boards on drug reactions, I found it interesting. Some of it seems a bit sycophantic ( surely drug reps don't post their products around discussion boards?! ) but seeing people's individual responses makes it clear how we all respond differently to these psychiatric drugs.

I certainly gained weight and had a dry mouth on large doses of seroquel, and I've learned that I can take one or two low dose celexa occasionally but otherwise I have to largely tolerate the downward mood swings- ad s just send me rapid cycling.

( all sounds very athletic doesn't it! )

Thanks Ceemee.
A lot of doctors are resistant to the idea of no drugs for bipolar, because they have seen patients go out of control, but I think the side-effects are often worse than the illness.

None of my doctors believed me that taking one a/d makes a mood difference, they say it's 'placebo' effect. It's hard to take advice ( and psychiatric drugs ) from someone who patronises you, tells you how you're feeling or reacting, and I left the last doctor because she was always making me feel in the wrong somehow. She was very overbearing. I was having the worst time and it was like 'well if you would just take this which i am telling you...' She didn't take time to build up trust, and I was always manic there because I was stressed from the drive and because I didn't want to go.

I've seen a few bipolars end up with multiple diagnoses too- OCD/ bipolar/ chronic fatigue seems to be a common mix, but I wonder what part the drugs play in it all.

Thanks H. the mania starts out fun but it depends where it goes. I've found myself in strange beds, been drunk at 7 am, slept with my friend's husband, walked out of jobs, argued with and once made a pass at a friend, given all my things away...loads of out-of-character things. I've been the life and soul of many a party, but done a few things I'm not proud of.

But again, changing lifestyle helps most of that.
When I get manic I tell a few close friends now, see the doctor, and try to stay close to home.

Romantic relationships are a big stress factor and I think I told you I decided a couple of years no relationships is what i need.
Ending my stressful marriage was the best thing I could do, though the stress of that year was the first psychotic episode where I was advised to go into hospital.
But diving straight into another half-assed relationship doubled the stress...that's another thing goes with mania, judgement. I spend months in therapy and then fall for a man who's more N than my ex!

Triggers for mania seem strong with me: driving; lack of sleep; alcohol; stress.

I took seroquel last night and slept about 7 hours, I think I'm calmer today.

Still a bit rambling, but coherent I hope!



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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 12:07:47 PM »
Hiya Write: good luck, and lots of admiration for what you’re doing.

CeeMee hiya

When I told my doctor some months ago that I wanted to get off the mood stabilizer and self monitor, she said quite convincingly that I would not be able to see myself going manic nor control it.
So in effect she’s in control of you along with the drugs? Isn’t it amazing how some people think they know the absolute truth about how the brain works; correction, about how your particular brain works. Personally I think that you are the best judge of how your brain works.  :D

Even if your doctor believes what she says, how on earth does she think it might help you by telling you that??? If I was told that it would make me afraid – either of myself, of the doctor’s objectives.

Take care both.

miss piggy

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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 01:01:04 PM »

I agree, your self-awareness is amazing. 

Wishing you success through this period, hugs, MP


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2006, 05:49:25 PM »
Thanks for all your mails. Wish you all the best too. What is bipolar? I am really happy with my daughter and the boyfriend is in France. bye bye
Helena :P 


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 04:04:49 PM »
Hiya Write! Long time no chat. Happy New Year! I just went through a mixed epsiode for the first time in years- quite a little roller coaster ride! Lots of stress at work and being unfairly criticized by my boss and being told she allegedly has concerns about my work( predated my recent episode). Have a meeting for next week with my union and management and today have no anxiety about whatever boss has up her sleeve. Have also been harassed, stalked and threatened numerous times in past few weeks by my N ex. Have now pressed charges and am in process of getting a restraining order. As a result of all this stress- that plus usual holiday blues- not sleeping much at all, totally reved up, thoughts scrambled, feeling speedy etc. You know how it goes. I have not been on any mood stabilizer since last April when I was severely toxic on Epival and ended up three times in hospital on a neuropsych ward. Was less than enthusisatic since then to retry mood stabilizer of any sort! My shrink has been cautiously supportive- I don't have a stirling track record of remaining stable and out of hospital without mood stabilizers. But no concrete mania...yet...hee hee!!! My shopping has been pretty out of control although I justify it by saying I can afford to be spending what I am. Truth be told, I really am pushing it. I share your concerns about worries about liver and kidney toxicity etc due to psych meds. I have some damage due to years of substance abuse never mind what psych meds may be contributing to it. Now I'm clean of drugs and alcohol but remain worried about what prescription meds are doing. It's a slippery slope for some of us bipolars being the authors of our destinies- I do have some trusted friends who know me well and who I will listen to if they give me the feedback I'm starting to lose it in their opinion. And they of course have intervened when I've thought I was perfectly fine and chose to ignore their feedback- and obviously was far from fine! I do totally understand capitolizing on riding the wave and making the max. use of the energy though! It is so seductive though isn't it? Hang in there Write! Hugs Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 08:16:59 PM »
Hi M! Good to hear your voice, sorry you've been having a rough time. Message me anytime!

I just got back from my doctor actually, and she suggested several drugs I haven't tried yet.
I think she hears me when I say I want to live drug-free, but when they've been to med school it's probably part-funded by pharmaceutical companies or something and I don't think they believe truly anyone can live drug-free!

STRESS is the major trigger for bipolar.

Makes living with Ns look like not such a smart move....

Hope things settle down for you soon.
Take care


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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 01:29:18 AM »
When I told my doctor some months ago that I wanted to get off the mood stabilizer and self monitor, she said quite convincingly that I would not be able to see myself going manic nor control it.
So in effect she’s in control of you along with the drugs?

You lot may not want to listen to me because I'm not bipolar.  But I had a close friend who was.  She was great.  But so heartbreaking when she had an episode.  On meds she was fine.  But she didn't like not having the up periods.  She felt bored.  So she's go off her meds and did not listen to anyone.  It was very hard at these times to be her frend or in her family.  And she had no idea how she was.  Later on, after she'd been forcibly committed and stabilised, she would say, "I did that?"  She'd be appalled.  She put herself in so much danger.    She was an attractive target for criminals of many types.  She looked intoxicated but was anything but, so law enforcement targetted her.   

I'm not for meds normally.  I'm against drugs and chemicals.  But in some cases I think they are needed.  And I do think that your doctor could be right.  Once your judgement starts to go, you start making bad decisions.  At first it may seem like fun.   If your doc won't work with you on finding the right drug, try to find a different doctor who will listen.



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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2006, 01:29:26 PM »
hi Write! I'm interested i n what meds your doc has now suggested you try that you haven't yet been on. How goes it with you in terms of the old mood? I'm pretty good today. Have had two nights of decent sleep and am feeling less pressured and goofy. Resisted a major shopping spree last night too!! Yeah...stress is a major trigger for sure. My stress around the work conflict is manageable today- have a meeting for next Thurs with management and my union to address my boss' alleged " concerns". She and I have a history of conflict and I actually left this job four months ago as I took a project that was just starting out. Unfortunately that project turned out not to be what I thought it was going to be and I ended up returning to this toxic work place- to my horror as well as my boss's!! She hauled me into her office the first hour I was back in the building 8 weeks ago and wanted to rehash alleged concerns from this past year. It's been evident to all that she has been harassing me since my return as she filled my position thinking she'd finally gotten rid of me- I'm union and she had to keep my job open for three months after I left in case during my probationary period at new job things didn't go well and I would return. Then I did come back and she's got someone else in my position that she now has to " do something with". Easier for her to dream up incompetency on my part so she can keep her golden haired boy in my job and gt rid of me! My job is protected bottom line by union so I'm not really worried about whatever she has up her sleeve. I'm applying for jobs outside of this organization anyway and hope to be outta here a.s.a.p. The situation with the harassing ex N is more problematic however. Although I'm taking all precautions to protect myself, I can't eliminate him from my life.My fantasies aside! We both attend NA and he is free to harass and abuse me publicly at meetings- it just wouldn't be very spiritual if I assaulted him at a meeting now would it?! Hee hee!!! So...I try to avoid him at all costs, I go to meetings with friends, not alone, I don't speak to him, I don't return phone messages etc. But...I still see him and he frequently " shares" at meetings about me, pretty detailed and abusive shit actually, but not much I can do about that. I am always envious of bipolars who can drastically reduce their meds/doses or do without meds all together. I know unfortunately I'm not one of those lucky few who can live healthily without meds. An evil necessity. All a balancing act- I just need one of them there longer poles these days! Always good chatting with you and keep me posted! Hugs, Moira
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira

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Re: I'm getting sick again
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2006, 02:23:44 PM »
Hey Write,
How's it going for you today?
Still feeling pretty good?

I hope you're doing okay.
