Hi Helena, thanks & welcome.
I don't know if anyone's seen this
http://www.rxlist.com/allboards.htm#top200 discussion boards on drug reactions, I found it interesting. Some of it seems a bit sycophantic ( surely drug reps don't post their products around discussion boards?! ) but seeing people's individual responses makes it clear how we all respond differently to these psychiatric drugs.
I certainly gained weight and had a dry mouth on large doses of seroquel, and I've learned that I can take one or two low dose celexa occasionally but otherwise I have to largely tolerate the downward mood swings- ad s just send me rapid cycling.
( all sounds very athletic doesn't it! )
Thanks Ceemee.
A lot of doctors are resistant to the idea of no drugs for bipolar, because they have seen patients go out of control, but I think the side-effects are often worse than the illness.
None of my doctors believed me that taking one a/d makes a mood difference, they say it's 'placebo' effect. It's hard to take advice ( and psychiatric drugs ) from someone who patronises you, tells you how you're feeling or reacting, and I left the last doctor because she was always making me feel in the wrong somehow. She was very overbearing. I was having the worst time and it was like 'well if you would just take this which i am telling you...' She didn't take time to build up trust, and I was always manic there because I was stressed from the drive and because I didn't want to go.
I've seen a few bipolars end up with multiple diagnoses too- OCD/ bipolar/ chronic fatigue seems to be a common mix, but I wonder what part the drugs play in it all.
Thanks H. the mania starts out fun but it depends where it goes. I've found myself in strange beds, been drunk at 7 am, slept with my friend's husband, walked out of jobs, argued with and once made a pass at a friend, given all my things away...loads of out-of-character things. I've been the life and soul of many a party, but done a few things I'm not proud of.
But again, changing lifestyle helps most of that.
When I get manic I tell a few close friends now, see the doctor, and try to stay close to home.
Romantic relationships are a big stress factor and I think I told you I decided a couple of years no relationships is what i need.
Ending my stressful marriage was the best thing I could do, though the stress of that year was the first psychotic episode where I was advised to go into hospital.
But diving straight into another half-assed relationship doubled the stress...that's another thing goes with mania, judgement. I spend months in therapy and then fall for a man who's more N than my ex!
Triggers for mania seem strong with me: driving; lack of sleep; alcohol; stress.
I took seroquel last night and slept about 7 hours, I think I'm calmer today.
Still a bit rambling, but coherent I hope!