I LOVED your memory of your dad taking you to get your portrait done.... to me it felt so heartwarming and lovely and it's great to hear what your Dh did.
I agree with what Jac says about a controlling mechanism. If someone lies and then denies it, or says they don't want to talk about it, nothing ever get resolves (a key trait with N's it's seems!). This is what I find the most frustrating.
My sister told me she couldn't sleep, worried the police where going to knock on her door and so on
This is another major N thing.... all about how it's affecting her, SHE couldn't sleep, police were going to knock on HER door.... nothing about the poor girl. I feel sorry for her son and I don't even know him... I think poor kid, doesn't stand a chance.
So Seasons hon.... how did you end up with so many N's in your family? Sorry.... you don't have to answer if you don't want too, my curiosity is getting the better of me!
H&H xx