It is so funny now, but when I was with him I was not allowed to question him at all. We even had a really awful fight when I said I wouldn't go up in his rocket....
TH: WHAT???? What do you mean you wouldn't go up to space in my rocket?
Me: I mean, I wouldn't go up to space in
anyrocket. Not even if NASA asked me
TH: My rocket will be better than anything NASA have built (beginning to pout)
Me: Well, I still wouldn't go up in it
TH:I can't believe you won't go up in my rocket. DOn't you trust me?
Then it kind of escalated into a huge row, where I was (apparently) showing my lack of respect to him by refusing to go into space in his rocket. That he hasn't even built yet.
It sounds so funny now, but it really wasn't at the time. I can't believe I was so wrapped up in his insane world that I spent
hours trying to convince him that I did trust him, that it was
my problem that I didn't want to go to space not his..... Madness!!!
Mia I hope everything is okay tomorrow, best of luck. I will be thinking of you ... hugs
Oh, one more thing, I just remembered. After we had broken up and he was still pestering me, he came round to my house with a plastic model of a rocket he had made... Apparently to show me what I was missing out on........