Wow...I have gotten so accustomed to his nonsense that I guess I didn't realize how bad things are. You guys are amazing. I get strength from your posts, every one.
Roaring dad:
Really, my journals can be subpeonaed??? Good thing they are gone! HAHA. What about this site? Or computer histories? I worry, but mostly, I think they will just prove what my point in the end.
Tejaspear: the suicide threat thing is really cowardly, IMO. And an ultimate mind game. Recently, he has turned to sickness and crying...yes, he found out how to make himself cry after knowing him for 20 years now, he finally cries. Only to manipulate me and his daughters into doing what he wants. Cause he knows we will respond.
Last week, in order to keep tabs on me and get out of working, he "threw his back out" Oh dear, he has to stay home in bed all week. And whine and moan about his back. I feel so cold, but I am so sick of it and I see what he is doing so it makes me crazy. He likes to tell me I'm cold when he really wants me to respond his way. He won't even allow me to say I'm sick cause if I do...all of a sudden....he feels a little sick too. He knows I will be the one to take care of everything, sick or not anyway. But he can't even let me have that.
He was actually snickering at me while I was driving him to an appointment, because he didn't think he could drive himself. (Really he just wanted to control my day). We were driving in a snowstorm on icy roads and the car slid a little around a corner a little. He snickers cause I can't handle the car as well as he could, obviously. Well, we get out a few minutes later and.... we had a completely FLAT tire. Maybe I'm not such a bad driver after all?? I didn't say anything, it was actually a blessing for me because the tension in the car was way too thick and I knew we were headed for a fight. Now he had to focus on the tire--not me.
He won't cheat on me either, cause he is too scared of a disease. I wouldn't care anyway at this point. I wish he would, it would get ME out easier.
(((((Plucky)))))) Thanks! You know I will be keeping me eyes and ears and heart in your posts.
Marta: The computer advise is helpful. And well heeded. I hate the games and going behind his back cause it's not like me, but I know I have to protect myself now.
Write: Amen. And thanks! (((((()))))) Hugs back at ya!
Hopalong: The laywer is just around the corner. Saving up some cash first. I know, he is abusive. Sometimes it is such a hard thing for me to get out of my denial. I have been denying this for about 5 years now. (blatantly) For the kids, I guess. I first asked for a divorce about then. That's when the suicide threat was and the porn was a big deal. He doesn't seem so bad at that now dayswith the porn...probably just better at hiding it. He also has computers elsewhere he can use. Frankly, I don't care or have the time to monitor that anymore, but if you think it would help.....
Sorry, some of these replys and posts are long. I have to take advantage of the time when I have it.
Also, I have been reading a book about adults that grew up in a N family, and wow it has shed a lot of light. One thing that hit me hard is realizing that my kids are depending on me to use my power to protect them. Power I have been too nice and people-pleaser type to dare to use. Protection from the mind games he pulls on them and the rages he goes into. I have done what I could short of his being gone. I wonder if it would be a first step to ask for a separation. I know we are all a lot happier when he is not around. We can relax and enjoy stuff and each other. I don't have to be shooshing them all the time. He was so mad our oldest was getting bad grades because it hurt his feelings and his pride, that he wanted to send her away. What???? What an N!!!! I know that once I cross this guy, that is it. Be ready for all manner of evil. I have learned what button NOT to push. Mom prepared me for that.
He also likes to ACT empathetic. He knows where to go...."oh how sad, or ...ohhh how cute", or..... whatever the right places. But really, now it just creeps me out cause I know it is an act he learned from his mom. She is the extrovert, pretender type. My mom is the cold, damn you, type.
Anyway, just my thoughts for today. Again, thanks for accepting me. I am starting to feel weight lifting and I am able to bear this nonsense a little easier in my mind. Not always condemning myself for having reactions and feelings about the way people treat me.
Have a great day ALL!