hey, Selkie. I get what you are talking about. I think it's okay, if that means anything. Why don't you give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you are feeling and not name it, judge it or try to make sense of it.
My first reaction was "meditation" but I will admit I am not an expert. I do know that the main idea is NOT to judge yourself by labeling your mind as hyperactive or your thoughts as "bad" or "good" ...they just are. I'm sure my meditation is not what would be considered traditional, and I am not very disciplined, but I am getting there. Just deciding I am worth the time to be still is really saying something.
The other thing that hit me was this:
I just feel like life is never how you dream it to be. I guess my hopes have been dashed too many times and this is the last moment before I turn to stone.
I guess I am always going to be like this. I am always going to be deeply dissatisfied in this life. No matter what counsellor I go to see, no matter which friends I go out with, no matter what, I always return to me and to feeling like this. All my life I have felt an intense loneliness and this is my lot... I feel like I am always waiting...
Well, you said it.
A quickie course in what I believe (and what helped me, by the way): It's about how energy works. and how the universe works.
The universe is unconditional love.
We give out thought energy and the universe matches that energy with an experience...not in a punitive "well, I'll get you for that bad thought" kind of way (like I originally thought through my Catholic upbringing) but instead in a very NON judgemental way.
Consider this:
ME: I don't really like myself. I don't like what is happening in my life. Life sucks. People are mean.
UNIVERSE: um, ok....life sucks for you and things you don't like happen. You don't like yourself, so unloving things will occur for your. Oh, yeah and people are mean to you. Check. Think I got it. Next?
OK, I am trying to be cute here, but if I THINK a certain thing, it leads to FEELING a certain way, which either leads to ACTING a certain way....OR if not acting that way......brings to me what I create. It's the "thoughts become things" idea. I mean think about that: EVERYTHING in the material world started with a thought, really.
Or some call it "the law of attraction".
So read what you wrote. How do you expect to get beyond that if that's what you decided already about your life? YOU decided it. You can change your mind any time you want.
SO WHAT if you spend time IMAGINING the way you want life to be? If you are convinced you will be dissapointed, then you will be, but if you let the universe know you expect good to happen.........instead of "bad".........then you can open up to creating that for yourself.
What the heck have you got to lose? Faith? You've lost it already. What's the worst that could happen? You'll be dissapointed? ONLY IF YOU THINK YOU WILL BE!!! I know it's a stretch, but ALLOW the universe to work with you.
My mentor told me" NO ONE and NOTHING is trying to hurt you. The Universe is simply reflecting back to you what you are sending out." WEll that took a while for me to get because I thought that meant I was to BLAME and then I turned the negative judgement on myself....which certainly didn't help....("Oh, my god, I actually created this mess....I must be a wreck, etc). I got beyond that one, but then it was tough to swallow, because my exN is always trying to "hurt" me by attacking me legally, emotionally, etc...
BUT I AGREE to be "hurt" so you see, it's still my choice. I am in this situation to LEARN. And in learning I see I have choice. and in choice I feel power and in power I feel the love the universe/God had in mind for me as my birthright! I decide whether to be hurt or not. I have that choice.
THINK good things for yourself and just let go of the outcome.....so maybe this place you are at is not so awful. DETACH from wanting things that are not, and start creating things! Yes, it does start with a dream.
IT"S ALL IN OUR HEADS ANYWAY!!! All of it. So go for it. Detach from your life that you don't think is going well. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Tell yourself a different story about your life.
JUMP IN! It's your life. Make it what you want!!!
Sorry if I got all preachy on you....but I want to be your cheerleader. TELL YOURSELF A BETTER LIFE STORY THAN THAT ONE...and the universe will respond!!!!!