Author Topic: Many Lives, Many Masters  (Read 4704 times)


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Many Lives, Many Masters
« on: January 26, 2006, 07:09:38 PM »
Has anyone read any of Brian Weiss's books?  His first one is called "Many lives, many masters"  ?


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2006, 11:28:55 PM »
No!  Tell us more.


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 07:17:32 AM »
Well my friend was telling me about it...

It talks about past lives and regression etc.  I find that interesting.  I am not sure if I believe it or not, but I am interested in the theory.

It's a supposedly true story about a psychotherapist, whose patient started recalling things from previous lives.  He believes that you can heal things now that happened in previous lives!!!  and that we carry emotions into this life that are reactions to something that happened in a previous life etc...


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2006, 05:56:11 PM »
Whaaaat!   So in therapy you have to unravel previous lives as well!  Yikes!  Even clearing up this one life seems insurmountable!


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2006, 07:32:54 AM »
Hi Selkie,.

I have all his books...  My favourite is Only love is real.....  I am a great believer in reincarnation and karma and have had a regression.  In some respects it is one of the reasons I am trying to deal with this now as I believe that we have the same lessons until we learn them...

Spyralle x


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2006, 08:23:46 PM »
Hiya Spy!

So good to hear from you again!  I hope you are well...  well I hope part of you is well, I suppose we can't wish for too much! Ha Ha Ha! 
I am working up to "Only Love is real" which I love the sound of, my friend recommended that I read his first book first to get into it...
But from what I hear, "Only love is real" is a very beautiful, very special book.  I can't wait to read it...

Plucky, your comment made me laugh, that was my thought too!  Ha Ha!


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2006, 02:26:11 AM »
Spyralle, I think that there may be some truth in that. Actually it was taking on a belief in reincarnaton at a young age (12 or so) that helped me keep my sanity through a very difficult time growing up with such low self-esteem, feeling so unlovable because it was clear I was not wanted or loved by my parents. Because it just seemed like there was no justice in the universe. But then when I could see how maybe I was having to deal with things from past lives, that could be an argument for true balancing and progression even when we can't see it.

I remember one time I had a dream that didn't seem like a dream. It seemed like a memory. It was so weird, because even though I had that dream decades ago I feel like maybe it really was a memory from a past life. In the dream I was like in pioneer days in America, and was a woman wearing a long brown dress, and I was in a big barn and we just found out that a group of men were galloping up on horses. I was totally terrified of those men and there was almost no time to escape. I glanced over at my little baby, laying there swathed in cotton, and did not even give that baby a second thought and just fled for my life. Thinking in this life that maybe that really was something that really happened I am very disapproving of that mother (me?) not caring more for that baby. In this life, my N mother abandoned me and my brother because she was afraid of my father and afraid of her new boyfriend's displeasure if she would keep us, so it was a no-brainer to her that she let us to our fate.

I look back at that dream/memory and remember how when "I" glanced at that baby and nothing in me registered -- no feeling about the baby at all, and only caught up in my own survival. In a strange way it made me feel better about having an N mom -- like maybe the Universe was showing me what it's like to be that baby, so I could understand more fully the significance of my past neglect of my child.

I don't know. For me, it's really all conjecture, but it works for me. ;)


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2006, 06:26:59 AM »
Oh Pink. I'm sorry.
For you real you, for dream mother you, for dream baby you.
(I can relate to the horror of feeling blank where one "should" feel something else.)
You are so receptive to insight...keep dreaming.

I always liked the theory that every element in every dream represents some part of you. From the buildings to the people. The barn, the marauding men, the baby, the unfeeling mother, the fear, the brown dress, the other women. By this theory, each of those could be in some way representing a part of you, perhaps a part that's in conflict, or just symbolic revelations of some of the things your subconscious is working to heal...

Such a good thing to be aware of one's dreams!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2006, 06:39:32 AM »
I am not sure I believe in anything 100% because there is no proof.

I think that human beings invent religion for comfort, because the reality of the situation is too much to deal with (ie. we are born and we die and thats it...  just like the leaves on the trees) 

I think after that we just do not know what happens. 

Sure, the leaves fall from the trees onto the earth and decay and become part of the soil or whatever, maybe that's all we will be.

I don't know what happens the soul.  If the brain dies, is the soul still there? 

Having said that, I do still pray now and then (usually when i want something  :oops:)

Having said that, I do have some believe in reincarnation. 
It interests me.

Once I had my fortune told when I was a teenager, the man told me I had several past lives in which I had a very tortured existence.  He wanted to expand but I stopped him, only wanting to hear about boys etc

Now I am interested to hear about them, but I would be afraid of regression. 


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2006, 06:43:04 AM »
Hi Selkie,.

I am a great believer in reincarnation and karma and have had a regression. 

Really?  I would like to hear what he had to say!  Care to share?  Have you found it resolves anything for you?


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2006, 05:04:36 PM »
Hi Selks,

Well for a start it was a she....  I was a french peasant girl in the 18th century.  One of my parents had died and the other had left and I was left at a very young age to look after my little brother.  i was taken to live in a very grand house and basically became the favourite of this horrible old man who used to molest me...  (I'm cutting it really short here)  i was hated by the other servants and died at 21 worried about who would look after my disabled little brother...  Anyway The wierd thing about this regression was that on the way out i saw this guy.  I had been seeing him on and off all my life as far back as I could remember.  he was very tall will strawberry blonde curly hair.  He was kind of unique...  When I was a little girl I used to imagine that this would be the man that I would marry.  as a teenager I used to wonder where he was and what he was doing and was he wondering what I was doing etc...

Anyway,. as I was coming out of the regression, He was there.  I told the therapist that I was not gonna come back as I wanted to stay there with him and it took her ages to talk me back out.  I know this sounds a bit ridiculous but it's completely true..  Two weeks later i walked smack into this guy  He looked at me a little funny and i was gobsmacked.  We were inseperable from that moment on.  He wasn't into this sort of thing but he used to say that he was sure that we had been together somewhere else.  We used to joke about beng highwaymen in a past life..  Anyway...10 months later I came home to find that he had died suddenly.  That ten months were the happiest of my life.... 

Of course then I started to go looking for answers.  I was very sceptical.  I still am i think that's healthy,. but I have had lots of proof that he is still around.  The other thing I used to say when I was a kid was that I would find a man who would die for me.  Without boring you with the long road I took I have now come to conclusion that that is exactly what he did.  So I could learn....  For those ten months he showed me unconditional love and after he died was when I really started to want to change...

I could go on about this stuff for hours so tell me if I'm boring.  I truly believe though that whatever it is we are here to learn we need to do our best to do that.  Icontemplated suicide after he died and I wasn't far off after the episode with the N, but, apart from my beautiful daughter who keeps me here,. there is no way that I am going to carry on repeating these patterns,.  I reckon you see that if we don't learn in this life there is always another one....

Read Only Love is Real Selks.  I didn't find that book , It found me...  Oh God please don't think I'm a fruit loop...

Spyralle xxx


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2006, 05:19:59 PM »
What convinced me most about past lives was witnessing a past life regression of an dear and old friend of mine, who was "open" but really more than anything a true skeptic if there ever was one.

I watched him regress and take on a slightly different personality as he re-lived part of his life long ago as a warrior. He was walking by a camp and he could "smell the death"! It went on for what seemed like an hour and was extremely convincing to me.

I knew him for many years before this happened, and he was always curious about other's views but didn't believe in ANYTHING like this. After that day I have seen my friend to a 180 degree turn. It was a totally life-changing experience for him.  I have known him over 30 years now.

All that said, I think there is a reason we don't remember past lives, (assuming we had them). I believe we are here to start with a fresh slate and without the burden of past memories, sins, guilts, passions, losses, loves, etc. It would be too much. But for some people it seems to also be healing to remember certain things. I suppose for those that it would be a good thing they would be drawn to it more.

co-crazy pink  ;)


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2006, 02:30:48 AM »
Hi...I have never posted here before but I had to respond to this post...I have chills right now after reading all your posts.  I was just about to go read my third Brian Weiss book, Messages From The Masters, before I went to sleep and I thought I would check in here for my last stop on my NPD reading sites...I haven't read here in months.  Before reading this I also was just thinking that I need to check out Brian Weiss's website...I would love to have a regression.

I had never really thought much about reincarnation until years ago when I bought Many Lives, Many Masters.  Ironically, my xNh had also read this book and one of my friends knew I would marry him after telling her about my conversation with him about this book and about how deep and spiritual he was...yeah right, he's a N :?  My xNh also seemed so familiar to me when I met him...I had never felt that way about any guy.  

I was on a leave from work during my divorce...when I was finally able to return, I was thinking, as I was driving to work, that I needed to start reading books that I used to enjoy...more spiritual books...instead of all the NPD books that I had been so absorbed in for months.  I am a flight attendant and I was on the plane with my crew and passengers when I saw one of the flight attendants (who I had just met on that trip)  talking with a man in first class for most of the flight...I actually thought she was yelling at him...when she finally came to the back of the plane she told me that they were discussing past lives.  I told her I had read Many Lives, Many Masters and we had an amazing discussion.  On the layover she walked a mile and bought me Only Love Is Real...She wrapped it with a really sweet note.  So, as Spyralle wrote, this book found me too.

Well, I'm sorry for babbling but I find this topic so interesting.  I do believe we come back to learn lessons...There is a story about a little soul (I can't remember the name) who comes back with his friend to help him learn forgiveness knowing that the friend won't recognize him on's very good...I'll try to post it if I can find it.

Take care,

« Last Edit: January 30, 2006, 08:43:17 AM by voicel2 »


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2006, 02:36:38 AM »
It's The Little Soul and the Sun Lucy, by Neale Donald Walsch...

Funnyt you should mention that book.  A friend of mine bought it for me a few years ago.  After what the ex N did to me in the summer (Read desperately needing help after relationship break up), I found that book unexpectedly...

Spyralle xxx


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Re: Many Lives, Many Masters
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2006, 02:52:40 AM »
Thanks Spyralle...It's a very comforting story.
