I am not sure I believe in anything 100% because there is no proof.
I think that human beings invent religion for comfort, because the reality of the situation is too much to deal with (ie. we are born and we die and thats it... just like the leaves on the trees)
I think after that we just do not know what happens.
Sure, the leaves fall from the trees onto the earth and decay and become part of the soil or whatever, maybe that's all we will be.
I don't know what happens the soul. If the brain dies, is the soul still there?
Having said that, I do still pray now and then (usually when i want something

Having said that, I do have some believe in reincarnation.
It interests me.
Once I had my fortune told when I was a teenager, the man told me I had several past lives in which I had a very tortured existence. He wanted to expand but I stopped him, only wanting to hear about boys etc
Now I am interested to hear about them, but I would be afraid of regression.