Hi Acapella and everyone:
Yes, my choice making in my relationship with my father has been quite a process, and I have not had any meaningful interaction with him for about a year or more. I did very deliberately make the decision to tell him how I felt about it all (not just the incident in this post, but our lifetime of relationship together) and I told him. It took a tremendous amount of courage at the time, but I knew I had to do it, even knowing it might be the end of the relationship. He responded with a full-force scorched-earth retaliation for what he saw as an attack. He sent nasty emails, threatened, demeaned, dismissed, hit all my soft spots, and did everything that he could to try and regain control of the situation. It did not work, I did not back down, but stood my ground in the most forthright and honest way I knew how.
He finally relented and sent an email apology ending with the phrase “any further communications between us will result in an escalation which I believe neither of us wants.” So, he wanted to say “I *said* I’m sorry, now leave me alone and don’t bring this up again.” I contacted him later, and got a few stories about the weather, golf, etc. as if nothing had happened between us. It was quite bizarre, and I immediately thought, “This is pretending, and I simply can’t do it anymore.” I felt like I had been emotionally raped, and now he wants to say “Hey, I *said* I’m sorry, what more do you want – now drop it” Now that I have learned a lot more about narcissism, I understand this strange behavior a lot better, and have come to expect it and not be at all surprised by it. It doesn’t mindfuck me in the same way it used to.
It still consumes a lot more of my emotional energy than I would like, but it all becomes clearer and clearer each day. I know I am moving forward in my understanding. I know that he would not even *try* to have that same conversation with me today because he knows the curtain has been pulled back and I would say with no reservation, “Hey Dad, you are being disrespectful to me and I told you I am no longer willing to let you treat me that way.” He knows this. I have already demonstrated that I am willing to end the relationship (not as a threat but as a way to take care of me), and I am. Once you get to that point in your heart, you are no longer easily intimidated.
I am more able to address that part of me deep down that is still hoping that he will come to me one day and express genuine sorrow and show remorse through action, and admit to myself that I will probably never get that. I am beginning to accept that he will probably never talk to me about this in any meaningful way. I am able to begin to let go of my secret desire for a deathbed confession, and am able to realize that most people die as they lived, and that he will probably die one day and that will be that with all of it’s pain and imperfection and ugliness. Period. I am beginning to understand that his death will not solve anything.
As I feel myself moving through a year or two later, I feel my anger and hatred slowly dissipating (because I finally recognized it). I find guilt and shame evaporating a little at a time (because I was able to see it). I am able to understand things that happened to me in the past that used to confuse me. I find that I can really enjoy life at times and have genuine fun again.
I am able to (sometimes) not take it personally. To realize that it was all about him and his pain, and not really about me at all. To move away from “Why, why, why did you do this to me” and move towards “Oh, I see Why now, and it wasn’t even about me! – Isn’t that ironic!” I am even able to begin to have some compassion for his side, and to see that if he could act differently, he would, but he can’t. It is crazy for me to expect a dog to act like a fish. He was also abused by his father, who never took responsibility for his actions, never apologized, and then died on him. He has done almost no work on this. He truly is at a loss to understand it and doesn’t know that all his adult children want from him is kindness, love, and respect as human beings, because he was never given that by either one of his parents.