Hiya Hopalong how do you feeeeel?
This one is nearer the top again! whooooo scary?
Nahh. Junk it. It’s a thread! Just me popping in to say, hey I read your letter, it was good, I enjoyed it. But……I didn’t read the whole story about the woman at Salon coz it asks me to register and to be honest…..I’m a lazy cow at times. I couldn’t be doing with registering and stuff. But this Salon site has been recommended to me before. Ages ago! Should I register? Make the effort? Will it be worth it? haha I’m asking you to motivate me! So I can read your letter with a greater understanding. How mean is that? In the time it’s taken to write this post, I could’ve done it, registered I mean. But then you wouldn’t have known I read your letter right? Tricky. Allocation of time and resources. So I decided it was a better deal to reply to you than register.
And to say, hey, post what you want to. And if no-one replies? They might be lazy like me, or they might not be interested (sad but true) or they might think yeah, interesting but no need to reply. Lots of reasons. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong for posting, or that ‘everyone’ is thinking something weird about you. After all, there isn’t an ‘everyone’ at all (anywhere). It’s just lots of individuals doing our own stuff, as we do.
So this Salon thing, it’s a good deal eh? I won’t get lots of spam and stuff if I register?