Hi Acappella,
I always benefit from reading your posts. I wish I had seen that thread you are referring to. I think my scarcity mentality stems from neglect. I was constantly told I didn't need things (like clothes that fit). A breakthrough in my therapy came when I realized during a very dark moment that one of my internal tapes was "don't think less of me because I need something." Yikes.
I'm not sure my reply will be right on the mark, but here goes:
1. When I think about abundance I usually am thinking about finances. I read somewhere to think about that in terms of "flow" and "circulation" instead of accumulation. I also have a small bowl to put coins in. Many people do this of course but it's a great visual reminder that one attracts money as well as lets it go...it also reminds me to be thankful for what comes my way, however big or small.
The centuries old poem, Desiradata, is also wonderful. It has a line in it about if you compare yourself with others you may drive yourself crazy. There are always people with more or less than you.
2. I also think about things that cannot be taken away. Things like intelligence, insight, the love I have already experienced, etc. all assets that are a part of me. [the N in my life was a compulsive "borrower" ie. she took things from us and didn't return them--but don't get me started. At one point I said out loud she can take it ALL and we will still have something she doesn't: love and caring for other people. No things can fill that hole in her soul.
3. I also try to look at the positive side of different attributes. Stubborn or determined? Lonely or alone? difficult or challenging? undisciplined or free-spirited? well, this isn't really abundance, but kinda related to that intangible asset stuff.
4. When I want to "shrink" my problems, I visualize a picture of the universe in my head and earth really far off in the distance. I think, these problems are just specks in the universe.

Caution: don't use this when you're feeling insignificant
5. Lastly, I think about the sunshine. It shares its light equally with all of us, no playing favorites! Cheers, S.