Oh, yes definitely sickening. I was meaning therapeutic because it was out of my head. Not spinning around any more or me pretending it wasn't so bad or something. Seeing it in black and white on paper is a reality check indeed.
Keep posting as you think of things. My lists have been going on for weeks. A lot came at once, but things pop into my head and I find my "secret" list and write it down. Before I can dismiss it again. And I wouldn't post it cause it is too big now.
I actually have quite the little novel going. My kids can't help cause they are still young and not really aware of my plans to get out, so I keep it to myself. I am sure the kids would, if they could, think of a lot more. Right now, they would "spill the beans" ...to him, ya know? Or say something to make him paranoid. He is already extremely paranoid, I can't take more right now.
He actually is supporting me going to a therapist now only becaue I have been able to hide my feelings towards him enough so that he thinks the therapist is going to be only dealing with my issues with my N family of origin. (Mostly mom and sis). When he pouts enough that i feel I have to appease him by letting him push my emotional buttons, I go on and on about my mom or something. Otherwise he would not support my going to therapist. I have set an appointment with a therapist he saw briefly 8 years ago and seemed to respect. I picked this T specifically because I figure he won't be able to say that some "quack" was telling me nonsense and putting me up to ridiculous behavior.
He thinks the only person who knows anything is HIM, of course. He is always right----everyone else is just screwed up and idiots. So I have to be careful who I talk to and I don't even have any friends because he doesn't approve of them. I somethimes wonder how he ever approved of me?
He even hates the wife on Everybody Loves Raymond because she is just such a B*****! He says. (Cause she stands up for herself???) He won't watch it anymore. He does that a lot. Says things about other women to try to control my behavior. And guess what, it has always worked.
He thinks I may actually have a chemical imbalance. This is his new thing. I am not making him totally happy all the time, so maybe I have an imbalance. Whatever.......that is SO FAR off base I can't even believe he said it.
Tsk, tsk---- Look at me hi-jacking. Sorry, sometimes I get started and .......ooops!
Also-----I can relate to #'s 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,31,32,33,34--but long,36,40,41,42,43,44,47,50,51,52,53,54,55,57,59,61,62,63,64,66-70,73-83
And that is just the first set. Thanks for the new reminders. (I shoulda just put the numbers I couldn't relate to down--it woulda been shorter). I am going to go barf now.
Yeah, I know why am I still here????------Simply planning my escape. As in Sleeping with the Enemy type stuff. Yucky.