Something I just thought of...
My mom and I used to go lots of places together before I met my hubby and she turned crazy

One of those places, the garden center, I dragged my hubby to (he has no interest in gardening or plants) so I could pick up a few things. It was a quick trip, and I think we were there for a total of 15 minutes max.
I mention it to my mom in passing during a phone conversation, and my mom gets weepy "you went to the garden center with HIM?" She gets upset with me and starts crying and wailing that that is one of "our" places... we always go there together.
I am shocked and flabbergasted... WTH?
She is acting like she and I were dating or something... and I took a new beau to our old romantic restaurant!!!
She pulled this a few more times with me regarding things like the hobby store and to the theater. She does not OWN the rights to visit those places exclusively, and I honestly never thought of them as being "our" places - just places. I didn't stop going with her when I married my hubby, just happened to go with him sometimes.
She made me feel like I had hurt her for just getting an errand done!!

Anyone else have this happen? Insights??