Dear Reality Check,
Your post pinpoints the difference between us in dealing with conflicts.
You pointed out that I had transgressed. I heard you, I reflected, I agreed with you, I apologized, I recitified the mistake.
I pointed out that others had transgressed in calling names, using my own past posts against me, you had transgressed by posting anonymously. Mind you, these are not only Marta's objections, but are shared by other members and also frequently expressed on the board, also on this thread. These are all very legitimate complaints. But instead of reflecting, you rationalized and placed the blame fairly and squarely on Marta, and you are still repeating what Marta had done wrong, even though she has rectified that mistake.
It is true that I cannot force other people to correspond anger through PMs or be respectful in their communication instead of feeling entitled to call each other names. However, I can create space for people who prefer it that way, and that is what I have done.
Right now I have 300+ posts on the board. You will not find a single one where I have called anyone inappropriate names or used their old posts out of contexts against them or made baseless accusations. You will find several instances where I have apologized. However, I prefer to disengage when others step on my boundaries and express their hurt in a way that is offensive to me, or ask me to accept blame that I feel does not belong to me. That reeks to me of entitlement that is a huge trigger for me given my N upbringing. In my most recent dispute with Portia, I had complimented her in the same thread for her excellent comments, i had engaged with her, I had also not taken offense to some of her statements that I could have been construed as offensive in the same spirit as she had taken offense to mine (for example she told me that she had not read my post she was answering to completely, which could be construed as offensive by some as saying your comments are non-issue to me.) However, I did stop engaging with her when I was subjected to baseless bizarre accusations and asked to defend them. I asked for the right to disengage, and appealed to administration to help me out after six days of being subjected to intense verbal assault.
TIffany, I am respectful of other people's religious preferences, I have never mocked them, nor I am not open for hostile interrogations on my religious preferences. After our disaggreement on Katerina, I have privately and publicly aplogized to you, never initiated any communication with you on board, and tried to answer your question as best as I can when you intiaited it. However, I do draw the line when you call me names. Your PM to me was reviewed by administration and deemed to be inappropriate and upsetting. You have continued to participate in threads started by me even after I notified you that I wanted no contact with you and was putting you on ignore list, and I have expressed no objections to that since the content was not a personal attack. I have never ever made a personal attak on you. Live and let live.
Everyone has feelings, not just those who express them in a very loud or public manner; there are many reasons when one speaks up other than genuine desire for communication; and there are many more ways of silencing other than just locking a thread.