thankyou so much guys. finding this all out actually just leads to more questions. my sister is going to get her records now to see what that has to say.
there is a whole heap of emotions at the momment, but i have to say mostly relief. for years i know how i felt. unloved, unwanted but my mother tried to turn those feelings onto me, making out it was my problem. when ever i tried to get my mothers love, she told me something was wrong with me.
i guess this is why i have never been able to let things go. getting my notes is a protest, getting my notes sets me free from guilt and blame.
i had memories about all this, i had memories of having the brain scan, staying in hospital. it was like trying to read a novel with several pages missing. my mother refused to explain to me what happened and why.her excuse was she had forgotten. when i told her i would get my notes, she used emotional blackmail on me, and looking back now, i think this is the main reason for her devaluing me. i think she knew i would find out and got rid of me so she wasnt around when i did.
i have tried asking the local authority about the oportunity playgroup, it does not exist anymore. the opinion seems to be that it was a place i could go to mix with peers, give my mother a break whilst being observed for my behaviour.
im still dealing with what i have found and im not sure what the next step is. i do feel more at peace with myself though, so thats one good thing!!