Author Topic: Is My M-I-L a narcissist?  (Read 4480 times)


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« on: January 13, 2004, 07:46:57 AM »
Hi, after 13 years my m-i-l formally disowned my dh, myself and our kids just after xmas. Yesterday I read up on narcissism and with every symptom I read about I was saying "Ah ha! Thats whats wrong with her!"

I thought it was a word used like cynical or sarcastic, I did not realize it was a diagnosable personality disorder.

I don't know, though. M-I-L is not really haughty or grandiose. I don't know how unique and special she thinks she is. Plus, I recognize a lot of the traits in myself, yet my relationships with others aren't like hers.
Now that she is out of our lives I'm relieved, but also ticked off that she is getting away with it. My dh's family will not speak to us, even though we have never had any problems with any of them and m-i-l has kept us away from them for so long I have never really had a conversation with any of them other than small talk. Yet they think we are liars, grudge holders and I, in particular, am to blame for all of our problems with her.

If anyone is interested in hearing about the sort of bizarre and confusing relationship we have endured with this woman I'll post the whole story. This is all very fresh for me and I'd appreciate some objective thoughts and feedback on what the he!! happened?!

Steph :?


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 08:12:17 AM »
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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2004, 01:48:52 PM »
Wow! Those 2 paragraphs under Now We Are Six really describes what my dh has said about his childhood with his mother. It's sad.
Thanks for the link.
Well, my m-i-l is so crappy I don't know where to start, but I'll focus on the things that lead me to believe she may have a real disorder.

Her disowning us came out of the blue, we were actually getting ready to go to her home for a visit at her invitation the morning she called to say she was removing herself from our lives. She claims we have brainwashed our kids not to like her and she is not going to worry about it anymore. She also threatened "something might happen" to me in front of my kids if we came over. Whats bewildering is why she thinks the kids don't like her. They certainly never told me anything like that! I think that with her it's all or nothing. Either our kids adore her and beg to be with her all the time or she'd just rather have nothing to do with them.

She claims she wants everyone to be close(to her) and she has this fantasy of everyone in the family coming over and spending all holidays with her, staying the night every weekend, etc..(she lives 30 min. away from us) yet she does nothing to facilitate that.

I dated her son for 3 yrs before we moved in together. He was never been close to her, she rarely spoke to either of us, kicked him out at one point for no specific reason. We were teenagers at that time. I didn't not like her then, just never got to know her. She was outright rude to me sometimes, but then she was nice a few times too. In the meanwhile my dh was just considered part of the family at my house. m-i-l had no pictures on the walls, no photo albums, no knick-knacks, nothing. Her home was completely sterile. Our first xmas together dh's uncle brought a tree over (dh explained his mother never put one up) and she didn't even have ornaments. No, she had not lost everything in a house fire or anything..she just didn't care about that type of stuff. Yet she will tell you she is a very sentimental person. Anyway, I insited my dh take his paycheck and buy little gifts for everyone since we were going to his relatives home to celebrate. Not a single person had a gift for him and it was really awkward. To this day(in 13 yrs) his mother has never bought a gift for us, she only gives cash. She has never even sent us a card, she's just not into it and that's fine. But I've never understood why she attaches so much importance to holidays and expects us to tell dh's father and his family and my family to screw off so we can be with her.

So after 3 yrs we moved in together and her words to us as we were packing up the last of his stuff were "I hope you realize what you've gotten yourself into, cuz when you come runnin' home to mama, mama ain't takin in no wives and no babies!" I should add that she routinely told dh that he was useless, would never amount to anything, etc.. and he has an older brother who can do no wrong. Whats ironic is that his older brother is now on his second marriage, barely scraping buy living in a trailer park with his wifes relatives as neighbors in the same trailer park(not that I care, SHE has always described certain folks as trailer trash) and dh is the one who is doing allright..we own a house and land, he has a good job in a skilled trade, we have a happy life together. She is very bitter that she put so much effort into her relationship with his bro and she doesn't get to basque in his glory.
I found out we were expecting our first baby a few mos. after we moved in together. When we told her she seemed apprehensive. I tried to let her know I wanted her to be involved in the whole experience by calling her after dr. appts (she never called) and keeping her informed on the progress of the new baby, but she never seemed interested and still kept all our conversations short and to the point so I just quit calling after a while and we didn't see or hear much out of her for the duration.

Then all of a sudden she showed up one day close to my due date and informed us she was going to buy a house with a basement so that we could move in with her and live in it. She acted as if her decision to buy the house rested on us agreeing to move in-free of charge-she even offered to pay for storage for whatever wouldn't fit. This was all very bizarre. At that time dh was making enough $$ so that I was able to quit working. We had just finished decorating the nursery, we lived in a 3 story condo in a very affluent area and our rent was more than hers! We were not in need of her assistance and had not asked for it. We told her she should not buy the house if it was dependant on us living with her in it because that was not going to happen. She acted as if she was doing us some favor by offering. We didn't hear from her until the baby, our dd, was born. Then she started coming over literally every day on her way home from work. Unannounced and uninvited. It got to the point where we could set our clocks by her visits. She never had anything to say to us. Not even how's it goin? She would grab the baby, mess with her for 10 or 15 min. and leave. Once we even had a plan to act as if we didn't even notice her. I was cooking spaghetti and when she walked in(w/o knocking) I didn't even look up. My dh was playing a video game and did the same as me and she didn't even notice! Just messed with the baby and left! One day she called me up and announced that she was trying to figure out a way to quit her job so that SHE could keep my baby and I could go back to work! She was dead serious. I have never had any intention of returning to work and never have. We had some light shed on this when we happened to run into an old co-worker of hers a couple yrs. later who told us m-i-l had told everyone at work that we were incapable/unfit to raise a child and that she was going to have to raise it for us. This lady told us m-i-l would say things like "I've already raised my kids and it's not fair that this baby's going to be pawned off on me!"
That explained why she was so insistant on us moving in with her, etc.. she didn't want to look stupid in front of her friends and co-workers. I also want to make clear that there is absolutely no reason for anyone to have believed we would be anything less than devoted parents. This was all so she could play the "Look what a caring, generous person I am" act. I always wondered why dh's family would make comments on what a good mom I was as if they were surprised or something.

She also became scarily obsessed with being alone with our baby. It was constant~ "When will I get to take the baby home?, When will she get to spend the night with me?, If I take time off will you let me keep her for a week or two?" etc..constantly. I'm sure that she would not have hurt our baby or ran off with her, but her behavior was what you might expect from someone who would. I can't emphasize enough how obsessed she was with playing "mommy" to our baby. At this same time though, she did just about everything to ensure our baby would never be alone with her. She handed the baby a prescription pill bottle with pills inside for a rattle. She never remembered to shut the door to the basement stairs once the baby was crawling, if I told her I wanted the baby's shoes off- she put them on, I don't want the baby fed sugary foods- she shoves a spoonful of whipped cream in her mouth, etc.. on and on.. she even went out and bought a high chair and crib for her house! All she ever bought for us for the baby was ONE pack of diapers, ONCE!

Then we got a break when dh's job required us to move 3 hours away for a yr and a half. Things were much better then. We would drive up and visit about once a month and her "good son" and his wife had a baby for her to latch onto. Although she never did in the extreme way she did with ours. When the job was done we needed to move back and started house hunting. She agreed to help us out with the down payment. She offered us a $2000.00 loan *or* if we would move into a delapitated shack walking distance from her she would pay the entire down payment as a gift as well as pay for renovations, appliances etc.. nice huh? We took the $2000!

After that she went back to her mode of not being too interested in us or the kids(we had a baby boy by now). She came to b-days, we saw her at holidays. She still harped on us about dd being alone with her. Many times, right in front of us, she would whisper into our dd's ear "Tell your mama and daddy you want to come and stay with me without your brother" She never seemed concerned about being close to our son. About that time we had a falling out with dh's brother and s-i-l. To make a very long story short their dd contracted an STD from s-i-l during childbirth BUT we were told over and over again that she had an inherited, genetic skin condition that was non-contagious and harmless and nothing for us to worry about. They lied to us and exposed our kids for over a year before the truth could no longer be hidden. Our neice had been going for regular treatments the whole time to remove "bumps" from her skin and when they really took over her body and I knew something was not right about the whole situation and I said I was going to contact the dr. about it, the truth came out. She had a highly- contagious skin disease that she will have for life and will eventually settle on her genitals as an STD, they lied to us and put our kids at risk out of embarassment. Instead of being adult about it and moving on, taking some simple precautions to prevent it from spreading, m-i-l, b-i-l and s-i-l started a smear campaign against us(mainly me) and the rest of the family thinks we just had some little argument with them and we just can't get over it. We refuse to have our kids around b-i-l and s-i-l so m-i-l makes sure they are at every family function so we won't come. The rest of the family is kept in the dark. Once I tried to talk to dh's aunt about it and she flat out told me I was a liar and I just don't want my dh to have a relationship with his family. m-i-l does not invite us to get togethers even when b-i-l's family will not be there. We are also not informed when family members have been hospitalized, deaths, marriages, new baby's..nothing. I have talked to m-i-l, so has dh, about how unfair it is that we are excluded from everything just to protect b-i-l's image and she points out we are welcome to come to everything if we just act like nothing ever happened. Of course, she still expects us to come and visit her at her convienience, which we have. Just this summer we decided to finally let the kids spend the night with her. We figured they are old enough now to look after themselves(ages 5 and 7) and it would be okay. We gave her an inch and sure enough, she told me to "pick a weekend" for them to stay with her shortly after that. The kids heard dh and I discussing it and our dd said she did not want to stay there alone again because m-i-l was weird. The kids told us m-i-l insisted they call her "Grandma" I'll use a fake name, but the kids call her "Grandma Nessa" I guess she told them to call her "Grandma" only and each time they slipped up and added "Nessa" she would correct them and refuse to respond until they re-worded her name. What it is, is the "Nessa" part, in her mind, gives the impression of them not being very close to her(they aren't) and she can't have that. She's not concerned with actually having a close relationship with them, she just wants everyone to think they do. She had invited other family over to witness this fake and forced closeness too.
So I told her that although the kids had a good time and enjoyed the visit, they were not comfortable spending the night and that we would stick to day visits. At first I put it in terms of "well, they don't know your new husband, don't know you that well anymore, have been excluded so long, etc.. they just don't feel comfortable." Then she got shitty so I told her about the "Grandma" only deal and that it was disturbing to us and made the kids feel awkward and she told me my children were making it up! That she never did any such thing and she has no issue with what the kids call her. Whats so absurd about it is before our dd was born she infomed us she would be called "Mamaw" shortly after she was born she changed it to "Grandmama", then it became "Granny". I have b-day cards she gave to my dd signed "Grandma Nessa","Granny N", "Grandmother Nessa" etc.. yet thru her many self imposed name changes our kids have never called her anything other than "Grandma Nessa"!!

She also has an extremely selective memory. It's one thing for her to tell the rest of the family she calls and tells us about everything going on, but she will say the same thing to us! Once when she was blaming me for her lack of a relationship with my dd, I pointed out that during that year we lived out of town she only came to visit twice. She said "Yeah, and if not for those 2 times I would have never seen my grandbaby!" I proceeded to list all the times we came and visited her- not just for the day- overnight visits and at least every month and she just said "No. I have no recollection of that." So I don't know what's wrong with her. I considered talking to her husband about it, afraid she might have some type of early onset alzeimers or something. But I don't think it would do any good. Plus she only forgets things that do not support her "Nothings ever my fault" mentality.

Sorry this has been soo long! It's only the half of it though. Does this sound like a disorder or just plain old not getting along? I have always just tried to go with the flow& be polite. I've never said anything "off" to her until the sleepover. It was her decision to disown us, but I'm sure I will be blamed. I can accept that and I have no intention of talking to anyone else in the family about it. I just hate it that they all believe we are just uncaring and hateful and they all believe m-i-l is just an innocent, poor, loving grandmother. I have always felt that if any of them truly cared for us they would call and ask "Whats going on?" But they don't. We really do feel voiceless.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this, I'm open to any opinions or advice.


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 02:18:05 PM »
Thank-you Portia for reminding me about this wonderful piece on six-year olds.  It so aptly describes both sets of grandparents to our family, and perhaps more painfully really describes to a "T" our 20 year old son.  Sometimes I wonder how much more painful things can get.  My husband and I can and have disconnected from the in-laws,.. that itself has been a living hell, but I love this son even though in his own different way, he is just as impossible as the extended family that don't live in our house.  
I'm slowly starting to see that I've spent a lifetime trying to please and get it right with my Nmom and Ndad, and in-laws.. of course I haven't succeeded and neither has my husband.  But, by golly, we both were kidding ourselves (perhaps just wanting it so badly) that this son just needed more time, understanding, patience yadayada yada.
This past week he (son)finally came clean about his miserable failing grades in college this past semester and we told him we wouldn't pay for the next semester, but that he could live here without previous perks(cable, computer etc) whereupon he threw his tv out the front door.  His anger and aggressiveness are often scary, and he is barely civil to his 12 year old brother, let alone us.  He clearly doesn't want to grow up and is very immature, but guess what?...he volunteers to tutor young children at his old elementary school and often reads to the day-care kids at his college.( I found this out from others, not him)...hence the part about having a very sweet side as per the 6-year old piece applies here.
I am having a very difficult time keeping the stand that I take with these continuous paradoxes in behavior.  I am working hard at this, but it feels like a losing battle sometimes, and it definitely is affecting the quality of my life, and the lives of my 2 younger sons.
My husband is on my side, but is far less confrontational than me, and also, not here as often.  I could really use some validation and feedback, whether you have teenagers or not.  I feel totally beat-down by N-behavior.
I want you all to know that I've been lurking here for a long time and this is my first post....your insights and experiences, as well as the many articles and essays on this site have been a huge comfort to me.

Discounted Girl

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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2004, 04:55:40 PM »
Wow -- I am breathless -- didn't realize I was holding my breath reading these posts on this thread. Steph, your husband is REALLY REALLY REALLY fortunate to have you for a wife. You obviously grew up non-N'd and you are able to clearly see the monstrous ways of your dh's mother. I've been through the same situations you described for literally my whole life. I guess the NQueenmother had it planned that I would never amount to anything and that I would fall on my face. When that didn't happen, she was really angry, and schmuck me, I didn't even know what was going on. I lived the lie that my parents "didn't understand." It never occurred to me that they were just plain nasty N's -- heck I didn't know what an N was. I have the "wonderful brother" who does no wrong, nor do his children, nor his wife. But there is a whole lifetime of history of his goofups, failures, children on drugs, trouble making wife, etc. that everyone has just forgotten about. It will truly drive you mad. My kids are the ones with the college degrees and doing quite well. My brother's kids have no education and have children without being married and in fact are on welfare !  Holy moly -- it's such a big crock -- mean and nasty old bag. Steph, you have been disowned -- CONGRATS !!!Anyhow, I'm up to my digressions again -- And Emily my heart is breaking here for you and your relationship with your son.  I truly believe that N'ism is a choosing to live bad habits of meanness, it is not a mental illness, and I believe it can be stopped. I hope so very very very much that your son will see the light.


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2004, 08:10:04 AM »
Post 25


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2004, 08:20:08 AM »
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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2004, 10:11:55 AM »
thanks so much for your reply, and for referring me to the essay.  I certainly could see parts of him in those words, especially the lost, frightened little boy and the part  about not being able to unfreeze himself.  Yes, at times he does show alot of empathy and I find that I sort of hang onto that like a lifeline.  Saying "have a heart", at times, also seems to have the affect of stopping the stream of bs that is frequently coming out of his mouth.  He likes little kids, our dog he lavishes with attention, some extended family members(who have also fared badly in our ongoing family saga) he goes out of his way for....his father and I, particularly his younger 2 brothers(ages 12 and 15), and his friends, he seems to feel are enemies or at least he tests the patience and endurance of all with a very thick arrogant outer layer.  It's like he's fighting a war, and (this probably won't surprise you) he's into kendo sword-sparring and martial arts, as well as a criminal justice major in college.  I'm absolutely stunned sometimes that he hasn't had alcohol or substance issues...his pain seems enormous. When the subject of underage drinking comes up in our house, his responses are usually something like.."I don't want problems w/that to screw up my chances of getting into a police academy"..fine I respect that, but it's ok to fail in college and expect mom and dad to just keep paying? (we pay half the tuition) He insists that the grades won't matter to a future employer, long as he has the degree in hand.  He beligerantly INSISTS that this is the case.  All we have to do is capitulate to his reality...sound familiar??  I want to share w/ you also that he's a very bright young man, who up until the age of about 14 or 15 had a passion for art.
Yes, I've cried alot about front of him and certainly alone in frustration.  I know he has to figure it out himself, but it is so hard to both see the pain and care while being alert to when to put up the bs detector shields.(that was such a geat visual for me in a previous post!)  And he cries too,..when confronted and pushed.  This often seems very manipulative to me(typically bullyish), but there is a compelling sadness about him at these times that is hard to ignore.  Am I being had by a 20 yo?  Or is he depressed?...I've tried to talk w/ him about that...he won't go there w/ me.  He's not a minor...I can't pick him up and take him to the doctors anymore.  Do I need to tell him it's time for him to find another place to live???  Part of me feels strongly that this needs to happen, and he needs to work toward that...but it was 40 below zero here last night and he can't sleep in his car.(as he did for several weeks in 2002 when he didn't think he should have to work OR go to school.)

Thanks for listening,..again I welcome any ideas and support


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2004, 10:37:14 AM »
Wow, Steph... your story about your MIL sounds like a made-for-TV-movie about a twisted mother who eventually kidnaps the grandchild...

I am four months pregnancy and your story makes me nervous!  My mother is an N, and we have already had some struggles about the pregnancy - I am braced for attempts of interference by her but I am confident it won't be quite as bad as what you described... that is truly scary.  

You are indeed a strong woman.  I hope your dh recognizes what is up with his mom too.
CC - 'If it sucks longer than an hour, get rid of it!'


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Is My M-I-L a narcissist?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2004, 10:52:35 PM »
Thanks for all of your replies!
F-i-l just called and told us b-i-l and s-i-l are filing bankruptcy and losing their home and car. They may be moving in with m-i-l! I know it's bad karma, but I can't help but feel they're all getting what they deserve...EACH OTHER!!

I have viewed our relationship with her almost in awe sometimes. It probably is because my mom is wonderful, both my parents are. So m-i-l's behavior is totally strange to me. Her family doesn't seem to recognize it though. They are in denial about a lot of things.

As far as a movie script, it gets better! After dh and I had been together for a couple yrs already, we were visiting his grandmother and this guy, who turned out to be dh's uncle walked into the room. I did not know he lived there, but he invited me into his room and when we walked in I saw that his whole room was decorated with marvel comic superhero stuff! Batman comforter, superman curtains, toys, posters,etc. A lot of the stuff was old and collectable. This man was around 40 yrs old! He had never moved out, never driven a car, and was very childlike. He was a very nice and harmless guy though. Not very long after that I asked m-i-l what happened with him and what might be wrong with him and she looked at me blankly and said "What do you mean?"
m-i-l and her brother and sister don't speak to him and he doesn't come out of his room when visitors are there. I was told he must have really liked me because he never invites anyone into his room. I think he saw that I was treated like an outsider and could just relate! It has always disgusted me the way m-i-l and her siblings treat him like he's a disgrace.

My own husband told me he thought his mom was potentially dangerous and that was good enough for me! I knew I didn't trust her, but when he agrees you know it's pretty bad. Both my s-i-l and m-i-l told me about this incident~
My neice was about 2 and of course the good son's kids were left with m-i-l all the time. m-i-l called and asked them to put their little girl on the phone and as soon as she heard m-i-l's voice she went into some sort of trance and started crying and screaming "Granny! Let me out! Please let me out!" s-i-l said she had to shake her to get her to snap out of it and it was such a bad scene even s-i-l was in tears. And they still leave their kids with her regularly!

I feel very fortunate that my dh knows his mother is wacko. He has always defended me and believed me when I reported his mothers behavior. Of course he was there for most of it too. We also have his dad and his family and my family who we get along with great. The only thing that sucks is that I'm an only child and that is dh's only brother so my kids don't really have aunts, uncles or cousins. Happily, we have "adopted family" people we've known forever who treat us like real family so we're not missing out on much.

I wish all of you lots of luck in dealing with the people like this in your lives. After all these years I don't have any good advice!! I haven't figured out how to deal with it and I'm glad she has decided to leave us alone. We have decided to hold her to it, and I have a feeling it will be a long time before she tries to screw ith us again.

Don't let no one get you down,