Hi, Tamara. I have experienced the same type of treatment from my Nmother and I also suffer from depression. Let me say how sorry I am that you had to cut off contact with your mom - but it'll give you time to get perspective and figure some things out - without all of the guilt and nastiness clouding your vision. I cut off contact with my mother in June - it has been hard, but ultimately very freeing. Maybe I'll find a way to "get along" with her, maybe not.
Your story makes me so sad. What a horrible javascript:emoticon(':x') thing to do to a child! You must have been scared to death!! I can't believe some of the things that I've read on this board...we should all be proud that we survived it all! I can totally see my mother doing something similar. Isn't is funny how their memories are so selective?
When I was 7, my mother took me to my stepfather's parents house for the afternoon. I was alone in the living room with my stepfather's father and he began molesting me. I went to the kitchen to tell my mother and she said "just stay out of his way, that's what i do. stop making trouble." she tried to force me to go back on more than one occasion and only quit when i threatened to tell my father. when i asked her about it years later, she told me to "quit living in the past, it's really not healthy. why can't you let anything go?" can you believe??? javascript:emoticon(':shock:')
she's also good at talking behind my back. when i went to visit her (she lives in another state, thank god), i asked her when i might be able to visit my brother. i went into the other room and i heard her talking to my grandmother about me. she couldn't believe that i would "lower" myself to want to spend time with my brother, since i was such a "snob". I couldn't believe it!! Of course, I was crushed, but I didn't say a word. Can't say anything disagreeable to mother!!
She also bashes everyone in my family, because "they spoil their children" or "can't hold a job" or "won't stop blubbering because their wife died". She was even throwing a fit because someone she worked with "had too many operations. she's only doing it for attention".
I'm learning how to separate from her and until i do, i won't be talking to her. depression is a horrible illness and i feel for you. i hope that you have a support system to help you through those black days. i went to group therapy (which was helpful) and the counselor said that "depressed people are very angry, but they turn their anger inward and it leads to depression". i was shocked! i never considered myself to be an angry person. after some counseling, i figured out that i really was angry!! my mother would do or say something to me and i wouldn't say anything to defend myself. then i'd get angry at myself for not saying anything. then i'd feel guilty because i had such horrible thoughts about my mother. does this sound familiar to you? just curious. i've gotten some great insight from this board, ie "why did you take it". all of these wonderful people and their stories have been really helpful and eye-opening. you are not crazy! hang in there ((((tamara)))). do you have a therapist to talk about all of this? it really helps! i'm here for you...
avery [/b]