Author Topic: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?  (Read 11504 times)


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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 11:48:17 PM »
I didn't realize that my comment about "karma" would generate such insightful commen!. Thank you.
I am absolutely sure that life really is unavoidable suffering. It comes in so many flavors, so many varieties.
I believe in it even to the point that it no longer makes me scared or squeamish. Somehow suffering is necessary
and perhaps enlightenment is learning how to be thankful and accepting, even for one's greatest trials.

This may sounds very Buddhist and i have to admit the Buddhist point of view has enlightened me. Here is a quote that reflects the same idea in different words:
The man who said it was in prison all his life for no crime other than the perception that his beliefs went against the mainstream.

“The confirmations of the spirit
are all those powers and gifts
with which some are born and
which men sometimes call genius,
but for which others have to strive
with infinite pains.

They come to that man or woman
who accepts his life
with radiant acquiescence.”


Rest assured  that I am one of those who must "strive with infinite pains"
but i treasure the beauty of "radiant acquiescence.”


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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2006, 10:29:08 AM »
A very good question: "Another way some might look at it as fate.  Is it my/your/anyone's fate to be destined to strive/ matter what calamity/stress/or test is givien?  Or is failure certain?  Is everything/anything predetermined?"

No heavens, no, (i think) failure is never certain as long as there is such thing as the human spirit. We shouldn't accept "failure." One thing I have learned over time is that the nature of human existance is tied to progressive growth. Our culture tends to be "event" oriented and therefore reactive instead of responsive, for the most part. Yet, I think we can  learn our way out of reactive behavior.

To give an example: I lost custody of my children to an NPD in the full throes of his affliction. Court cases, humiliation, everything a mother could dread. Even my family treated me more or less as a failure. Perhaps for a time I was. I persevered and continued to act upon my parental rights as a non-custodial parent. Thank God I did, because eventually he abandoned them after heruined himself financially, to the point that he fled the country to avoid prosecution for fraud. I was left to pick up the pieces. Which I did.

It was never been a perfect or ideal situation, but at least two of my children are healthy successful individuals with bright futures. My family, though very late in the game, came to see the strength of what I did. It took 11 years of driving 60 miles three times a week to reach the final outcome, in which I ended up providing a home for my younger children.

"Karma" in the sense of what goes around really does "come around."  Act in faith and letting go of the outcome while being honestly instructed by the dynamics of the  tests and difficulties one encounters makes the difference between failure and success. I think a wise man once said "if you get lemons, make lemonade."


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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2006, 10:28:32 AM »
Thank you Moon, there is such generousity and tenderness is all that you write, very touching for me.
Yes, there is such beauty in the sadness, perhaps the real consequence of "suffering," the kind of consequence that gives it purpose.

Thank you again for your sweet words.



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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2006, 02:29:13 PM »
Didn't have time to read through all the posts yest, but I wanted to respond to the original question.

My core beliefs have changed over time.  Yes, I know some are dormant, hidden, so I will speak of the positive ones that I know of.

Heres' my BIGGEST ONE:

There is a reason for everything. (sometimes it's just not made known to me)

When I am faced with an obstacle, there's a lesson to be learned.

I am going through my trials so that I can help others down the road.

There is goodness in everyone.
(gotta be careful about this one!)

And you've heard it from me before:

We teach people how to treat us.

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.


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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2006, 11:03:09 AM »
What does it say about me if I'm not sure what my basic beliefs are?


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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2006, 12:34:28 PM »
Dear Waltz,

It only says that you are on a Journey . . .

remember that saying? meaning lies not with the destination but in the journey . . .

you'll find what you believe if you examine, search, question . . .

if you are not sure, then you are searching and that is good . .. that is how we all find out . ..
what we believe

in short, i think it says that you are a human being . . . :D



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I guess this was an old post, but a very interesting one I want to contribute to.

My basic belief that helps me to survive in the world.  I'm accepted by God who never leaves nor forsakes me.  There is a verse that says "even though a mother forsake her suckling child, I will not forsake you and I will take you up"  (loose translation)

I find it encouraging that God loves me and receives me no matter what, and that I have others in my life that do as well.


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Dear Really,

Your post was very inspiring . . .how we are all, in the final analysis are accepted, forgiven and cherished by God . . .
It is a special blessing for me to have faith and to sustain it . . .
It is the difference between light and dark, goodness and evil , hope and despair to me!

If God is willing to extend this kind of acceptance,  we should feel good about practicing it on ourselves . . .

it is an amazing thing to stand in front of a mirror and say . . . "I unconditionally accept myself!"
ten times a day  . . .it helps me accept my flaws and learn to see the advantqage of having them.



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Thank you, Sheela and Happy Mother's Day to you and all on the board



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Re: Which of your basic beliefs help you strive and survive in the world?
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2006, 11:48:55 PM »
Another one of my basic beliefs is that forgiving people (not meaning accepting poor behaviour) is for my best benefit/in my best interest.  The reason is because otherwise I harbor nasty feelings that don't do me any good and actually drag me down, keep me in a negative state too long and eat away at my insides.  I prefer to release those feelings and forgive people, even without explanation, apology, remorse, or attempts at amends (although those things....when they are offered.....certainly make it easier for me to forgive, if I believe the person is sincere).
