Hi Seeker,
Who's the N in your family? That's my first question. Why you ask? because your question is very relevant to the board.
The literature on Ns suggests that they get worse as they age, so you might want to get as much knowledge and information on the subject before you take on any caretaker role for an n parent.
Also, what is your dad's condition? Is he suffering from dementia, if so which one. I have found that one of the most difficult dementias to diagnose is Frontal Lobe dementia, start off there seeker because the criteria for frontal lobe dementia excludes alot of the other dementias. Just ask for Dementia on your search engine and you'll get tons of sights.
Now, I am a healthcare professional, my Ns lived next door and my N dad began having mood swings ( more and different than usual), he became labile emotionally, going from euphoria to uncontrollable fits of crying, he hallucinated, was literally seeing things at the dinner table witnessed by alot of people, was increasingly paranoid.
This was in 2002, now two years later he denies having had any of these symptoms, thinks he's going to live forever and has literally rewritten history which has landed me in court!
So, the moral of this story is , let the professionals handle it and steer clear of demented Ns, no matter how much you love them and want to take care of them.
I'm sorry if you and your dad really get along and if your relationship is great, mine isn't ..but Ns with an added organic dimension to their illness can be very troublesome. Also within the confines of an N dysfunctional family, like mine..if the Alpha N decides he's ok, the rest will agree and blame you for making a big deal out of it.
I just don't think it's a good idea to get involved past what is reasonable. I did and would caution others to stay well on the periphery of sick and/or demented Ns.
all the best, Nic ( too lazy to log in!
