it would be my hope that the person I'm nudging.... (read that as mocking for those who see it that way)
would be able to step back and see the humor in what
they're doing.....
with me.
If I simply wanted to mock someone..... to be mean or injure someone without reason.....
I could do that.
And with a whole lot less thought than 'nudging' them takes: /
I could also name call, rant and accuse and be a PITA that wouldn't shut up for anything about lots of things
just because..... but I don't

mean is easy.....
pointing things out, with humor, in the hope that others can laugh with you (and find some deeper understanding of themselves) is another thing, IMO... of course.
At any point, the person I think we're referring to..... could have... almost did..... take responsibility and move on past.
But they juuuuuuussssst couldn't manage the leap and that's OK.
They have something.... someone.... tapping them on the shoulder from their past, maybe?
I know what that feels like to have my face pressed against the glass.
I know what it's like to stand on the cliff..... wind blowing so hard I can't hear.... wind wrapping my hair around my face so that I can't see......
there's only the wind and the cliff...... confusion and pain.
It's a place where I can sometimes be reached.... and sometimes not.
I'd like to say I always responded with...... 'that's right... I did that, didn't I?' then laugh with the person who's trying to help steer me off the ledge. I
have done it..... plain speakers can get through to me so.... I suppose I've emulated them to some degree.
Oh my, having strong female friends.... some 40 years my senior.... has touched my life in yet another way I didn't quite understand until now.
I know they'll only be with me a little while longer.... I've been going in and out of anxiety attacks when I think about losing them but it's their honestly and truth and the fact that they have my very best interest in mind.... that I'll miss most. Wherever will I go to find replace that?
And yet... the other day I was struggling mightily with fear and..... just sitting quietly by a koi pond for an hour with one of these friends steadied me.... she didn't't understand enough to help me but her quiet presense was enough to get my attention.... her letting me help her with something she's worried about helped me off the ledge. I recovered and was amazed at the serenity I gained.... still not sure where it came from exactly but.... it was mine and I received it and it's still with me, thank God.
Amazing... the power of honesty... in my own life.
I'd be lying if I said I could always understand the hand being extended.... and let it help me come down off the edge. That isn't really true.
But I will say, with some confidence..... that I also don't think I'd scapegoat the person extending their hand. I might be more angry or frirghtened or horrified than I perhaps should be at whatever is truly hunting me but..... I don't get outsiders confused with the hunter, as far as I know, anyway.
I also want to go down on record with this.....
I hope that everyone who feels excluded can come and join me down by the river.... in the reeds..... and laugh like children. At ourselves... each other.... our situations.... and our paths of healing.
It never occurred to me that those that feel ganged up on and attacked won't be able to turn away from the edge and come down by the river too.
and we can talk about how they found their way.
I'd hate to think they'd remain on the ledge..... finding enemies everywhere around them.... without end.
I simply can't tolerate even thinking about that.
And so.... what good would it do me to gang up on someone I wish could see me as someone who would help?
OH OH OH! I know this is long and prolly gettin boring but....
I watched THE GAME again last night... maybe for the 10th time. I just never get sick of that movie and it really had more meaning for me this time bc of the discussions on the board.
Where once I was blind.... now I see.Poor Mike Douglas, cast perfectly IMO..... had to be ripped, kicking and screaming, OUT of his comfort level in order to learn things about himself that opened his life up to joy and true understanding.
WOW WOW WOW I just thought about these threads as I watched and it is amazing how we do sometimes have to hit rock bottom in order to come to a place where we can listen.
Not sure how that applies here but I'll end on that.