Hi folks,
I don't think it's advice I need but maybe just a chuck under the chin.
I'm adapting to this trial of ADD medication, though it's been uncomfortable.
Things go on as they do at work, though last week when the big project was due there were two days of such stress that I thought seriously, this is how people work themselves into heart attack or stroke. One lightbulb went on though, which is that my boss has serious ADD himself. He's quite bright, and has two severely ADD sons, so that's why it's his research interest. And no doubt why he sees it behind every tree. Remains to be seen whether I have it or not, but I am weary about the thought of trying to please him. He is hugely disorganized and creates chaos, but when the crunch comes, he blames his underlings (me). It was an exhuasting time.
On the good side, it helped me let go, inside. I realize this is more than I can cope with so if he's going to sabotage my job, that will be what happens. I will survive.
On the not-so-good side, I've been so deeply exhausted I haven't flung myself into my job hunt OR my freelance assignment...both of which I really need to do. I'm just so WEARY. From this FT job to NMom (though she's much less demanding lately)...I just have no energy left to wring work out of myself in every spare moment. I'm feeling old, but I'm only (almost) 56. I think it's the stress, that I'm kind of in adrenal overload, if that makes sense.
Anyway, must go...due to leave for work. Just wanted to ask if folks would send me thoughts if you have them, prayers if you pray, inspiring quotes if you know some or could dream them up!
Thank you, my friends.