Author Topic: Personality Disorders in the Pastor of the Church...2 GOOD not to share!  (Read 1409 times)


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My Pastor is Nuts-Turning Heaven Into Hell For the Church

Author : Dennis Diehl

I have felt for years that a minister, pastor or priest, who in fact, has mental and emotional problems, can hide in the ministry for years because his quirkiness, obedience and demands for obedience to "God's Laws" seems so sincere.

Many mental illness quirks can be mistaken for religious obedience and spiritual insights. Leadership styles and public speaking approaches that would never be tolerated in the workplace, are encouraged in the pulpit.

 A minister who is more mentally imbalanced than spiritually inspired can wreck havoc on a congregation and how often few, if any, in the congregation will confront the problem until it has all but destroyed the church. Therefore...

I'd like to ask the pastors, priests and ministers, you who have taken it upon yourselves to speak for God, Jesus, the Apostles and the intent of scripture, to examine some of this quirkiness that drives your members nuts and harms more than helps.

You who feel you know the mind of God and can clearly see what the Bible wants all humans to understand through you. You Pastors who affect how people think and live their real lives need to find a personality disorder test and TAKE IT.

Since you claim to know all of what God is and does and is doing, along with the truth of every important question about things past, present and future, it's important that your congregation understand the filter, you, this information is passing through before it arrives on their doorstep.

You think you know the mind of God. Do you know how your own mind works and why you get the reactions you do from the faithful?

Are you mentally fit to lead and speak as if you know the answers that you require those who trust you to keep in their minds? Are you responsible with the monies entrusted to you by those who work hard for that which they send you believing it akin to giving God money to do "God's work"?

 Are you prone to tell the truth at all costs, or just your own version of it for your own self aggrandizement? You see, it's really important we know, because history has already ripped the souls out of millions for not taking the time to ask their leaders to let them know a bit more about themselves before they got all teary-eyed over the "truths" they wished to inflict upon their spiritual hopes and dreams.

 If what follows sounds all to familiar, then is it not time to ask why?

For example. If you are troubled by.....

Paranoid Personality Disorder...

then we'd know why you are so cold to us after a perceived rejection of your inspired truth, or why you get so angry when things just don't work out as you supposed they should. We'd also understand why everything is always OUR fault and why you think we are always talking about you behind your back. Or if you possess a...

Schizotypal Personality Disorder...

hen we would understand the tie or holy robes you want to wear and that crown you wear on your head during sermons. It would also explain why we can't understand what the heck you are getting at in sermons or how you get that idea out of that scripture!

Or if you possess a...

Antisocial Personality Disorder...

this might explain your cruelty to members, or those that question you, or how it is, that most of the congregation has been reduced to tears when they question your financial dealings with their money, and why you think you need a ministerial bus for your travels around the country.

It also explains why you made fun of the guy who wasn't able to come to church, and then died at home without you taking time to visit or encourage him.

Or if you possess a....

Borderline Personality Disorder...

it would help us understand why you yell all the time, or are so dang negative in sermons about everyone and everything on this beautiful planet. It might even help us to understand why you disappear on trips for weeks at a time on "missionary" trips, or visits with brethren we have never heard of in places we have to look up.

Or if you possess a...

histrionic Personality Disorder...

whoa...then we would really understand why nothing we say is good enough or right and why you make such mountains out of our molehills. We might also understand why you think the whole world is just amazed at your wonderful self....

Or if you possess a ...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder...

well, here then at least we'd understand why we'd have to call you "Mr." and wonder why we aren't in the group you seem to surround yourself with to our exclusion. They are such special people.

We'd also understand why the group gets thrown out every six months and you regroup with a new group of close friends, not us.  And we'd sure as hell understand all those titles you give yourself, and the exaggerated size of our small congregation.

Or if you possess a...

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder...

well then, at least we'd understand why no one is ever good enough in the church or tries hard enough to become perfect as our heavenly Father is challenge there!

We'd understand why you rant every sermon about "God's Law" and Jesus returning with a Rod of Iron...Heck...a hug would be better don't you think? We'd also understand why once you make up your mind, it never changes and why you brag about all the work you do for the church. It would also explain both your and our ulcers.

Please print the results in your local church bulletins. It's only fair since lives, emotions, finances , faith , hope and love depend on whether you really do speak for God, Jesus and all the Holy Apostles, ok well Paul who felt he was Holy Apostle most important of all.

We anxiously await your participation in this wonderful service to all sincere humans who want to believe and know the truth of life, death and the eternal future.

Warmest regards Dennis Diehl

I know, I know..."what about you Dennis?" Here is who I am evidently for your approval or not.

Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low