I do believe (and am testament to) that you can have a happy, healthy relationship after going through a traumatic one. In my case, the trauma only came at the end, but I almost think that was worse than having it build over the years and finally getting out.
I agree with H & H that it mostly has to do with you and your healthy perspective of yourself, your feeling of worthiness, and you must have the desire to reconnect in another relationship. If you are still ambivalent or find it repulsive, then obviously you are not ready. Even though I was very hurt by my ex, I always felt that I would want to eventually find another partner. I'm sure some of that comes from really having no other family other than my 2 children, and not wanting them to feel forever obligated to be my soul source of emotional attachment. I am not a solitary person, but forced myself to be just that for over a year before considering a relationship with another man.
As I have said in other posts, I set my criteria for someone to be acceptable before I ever started the dating process. This was very valuable so as not to waste my time (or his) on someone who would have been just a compromise. First and formost, he had to be a good father, with a good relationship with his children. I guess that could be considered the boundaries I set, at least to begin the process of allowing someone to enter my space.
We have a dating service in my city called "It's Just Lunch." They find men (or women) who would potentially be compatible, arrange a lunch date and you just show up. Designed for busy, working singles who don't have the time or wherewithall to do it themselves. Maybe you have something similar in your area. Good luck.