Hey everybody,
I was just reading a post from Rob on another thread regarding Monty Python. I love them. Rob, I think you were referring to Monty Python and the Holy Grail? "Run away!!!!" Another scene I really love and you can all relate to (esp. after that "Christmas invitation" post

...) is the scene towards the end where Michael Palin as the father of the bride is calming everyone down after "Lancelot" (John Cleese) has inadvertently slayed many of the wedding guests because...it's what he does. "Now, now, people. This is supposed to be a 'appy occasion. Never mind who's killin' who..."
Another great movie for those particularly dark days is "The Lion in Winter". Family dynamics at their worst, Katherine Hepburn and Peter O'Toole at their best. Best line, Kate as Queen Elinor: "what family doesn't have its ups and downs?" But if you are feeling especially fragile, don't watch this one!
An interesting website, quite different from the usual PD fare, is
http://www.screenplay.com/reel_people/index.html. It actually lists movies and characters by PD! It is intended for screenwriters, but click around and you will find a list of movies at the end of each article about a particular PD and relevant movie character. There are not a lot of comedies listed...
When things are really bad, watch Monty Python & HG, or do what many of our Depression-era folks did and watch musicals!