Here's one I had a few night ago. Haven't remembered or recorded my dreams in a while but several of you must've inspired me with your recent posts on dreams:
I am driving, relaxed and happy, through the countryside, rediscovering a very small town nearby, dusty old buildings that feel cozy. I am with a male actor I have met who has joined up with me because he is lost. I am giving him a ride.
I look ahead and suddenly see an ENORMOUS greenish tornado thundering down on us [I suspect I was listening to my own loud snoring because of the dental procedure drugs]...I slam on the brakes, yelling at the man to get out and take shelter with me now! I direct him into the lowest point, a streambed, as the tornado bears down. It looks as though we might be just slightly off the center of its path, but I'm not sure. We plunge into the stream and flop on our bellies.
Then I remember the dog. It s Boo! He is happily scraping and digging at something just beyond the stream at the edge of a field, igoring the tornado, and when he looks up at me when I yell for him he has that happy, totally absorbed look he used to wear. He stays where he is and because the tornado is nearly on top of us, I hold my breath [apnea moment, maybe?] and plunge underwater, beneath a very slight overhang at the edge of the stream. I feel the actor move in behind me and hug me close. We hold our breath and I remember seeing silty mud move through the water in front of my face, and here comes the tornado. [I wake up.]
I record this dream because a tornado is such an evocation of one of the things I always associated with my mother's childhood on the plains, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma...she was so afraid of them. This thing is so unanswerably massive, unspeakably powerful, it is simply larger than life. Part of me wonders if I have dreamed this image--other than because of snoring, because it might symbolize my mother's impending death. (Boo is dead. And I haven't "seen"--dreamed of--him for years. And...Boo's careful playfulness in the path of the tornado reminds me of the way my mother just smiles and chats and is playful and so absorbed with visitors when she sees them in the hospital.) So...I think it was a dream about death.
(Was a huge big-darn tornado, too. But I know I can snore like a freight train with some Rx.)
In the previous email i had pasted in my interpretation such that it looked like part of the original post in this thread...
so i am trying to correct that now...
The practical mind astrological is sign of Gemini and also rulled by Gemini is cars, so…..
Small town…dusty old… feels comfortable…
Perhaps aspects of life as a kid that were cozy
Male actor…
Men in dreams can be symbolic of conscious mind..perhaps your own that joins your sense of self when you had to play a role to cope.
Greenish tornado…
Green symbolically can be the use of will by someone or something that would overwhelm you.
Slam on brakes…
Someway you know to duck and cover as best you can, directing the actor to lowest point etc. is to safeguard losing your sense of conscious ways to cope with dangers, and that they don’t get found out.
Tornado slightly off center…
That the threat comes not directly at you.. perhaps either to fool you or maybe that you don’t get either a chance to experience the calm of its center and/or to better study its power and nature.
Flop on bellies…
To protect your vital inner organs from something that when it discovers you will throw all its power at you to destroy your inner resistance skills.
The dog…. Boo
Perhaps boo is your instinctive childlike nature
Happily ….digging at something just beyond the stream as the edge of the field….
Could be about your instinctive nature happily believing it can dig to find a reward…perhaps understanding what lies hidden to you.
And that boo is happy in its faith that the reward can be found when one is totally focused.
Boo stays where he is….
Two possible thoughts here. In focusing on a worthwhile goal innocently, boo is spiritually protected someway…
Boo gets the brunt of the tornado and oh my I cant bear to think it :
.. :
the behind me….
Several more thoughts now on the actor…
He is not just your own consciousness of how to use skill to cope but a guardian spirit force that presents itself as skilled, sincere, and helpful. I think guardian spirit forces can be either angels or humans in paradise in between incarnations.
Maybe later a few thoughts on the mud… etc… at the end.