Thank you all for your support and kind words and shared experiences. The NNNNNidiot emailed me again last night, after they "talked" (more like he yelled at her) and wanted to know that I would INSURE her being at his house at 11. I told him 11:30 to be safe and he "confirmed". Controlling, controlling controlling. What a wreck of a human.
So this morning, my d was in the car at 11:30, and I said, oh, we are only a few minutes which she replied: "but by the time we get there it will be 5 minutes late." Then she paused and said: "oh, so what! 5 minutes!"
It's like she catches herself taking on his negative energy....and then STOPS, thankfully. She is starting to recognize it.
She came over a while ago to pick up a few things (he waited in the car)....she hurried, of course, and I said "how are things going between you?" she said " normal". But her body language was definately what she does when she is in protective mode....ah, well, nothing to be done.
My lawyer even called today to see if everything went ok. She was very concerned that something really bad might have happened. It was good to hear her say she thought I did everything right, legally.
But underneath all of this, I feel sad for my children that they have such a big baby/bully for a dad. Once, a long time ago, my daughter told me (after a funny remembrance I told her of my dad) that she would never know such a dad, or have such a relationship. That was years ago, but last night I remembered it. Maybe when we move to be with my new husband, she will get to see how a real man acts toward his daughter, (my step daughter) and she will feel that warmth herself...but it's not her dad, of course, but she can see how it should work.
I also recall my son, at age three, crying and saying he didn't want to grow up and be a man like daddy. Hmmm. But guess what? He is NOT at all a man like his dad, he is caring, giving, sensitive and sweet.
NOT being involved in this struggle was definitely in order last night, and although my ex dreads it, it is how it will be from now on. ...she will take him to task on his behavoir, even though he may never listen.