Good for you Steve,
I found a bottomless bucket of pain when dealing with my father and all of his lies. He is so far gone in his lies that he can't even remember recent conversations. I wish I could confront and deal like you did, but I don't think there is anything there, its like trying to repair a car without the parts you need, unfixable. So now I just look at him in awe, and go along with the comical things that he somehow dreams up. He is so out of wack it hurts, and I know that I can never change that, but I have chosen to continue to interact with him knowing that I am there out of respect that he was my sperm donor (I'm even greatful for that), and that I atleast owe the time of day to him (but not that much time). Apparently the way that I am dealing with it is not dealing with it, while staying on guard for my self-respect, and my family. It is good to hear that someone has emerged clean cut.