HI, Hoppy (one tiny vowel away from Happy!!!)
Just replace this:
Scared. So much is at stake for me now.
with this:
They should hire me. They really should. I'll work hard and happily for them and do a great job
in that smart brain of yours!!!!
Everytime you think the worry/catastrophy/oh no thing......dump it! and replace it with the YEAH!!!/I am GOOD/power stance!!!
It's ok to be scared, but don't stay there (focusing on that). Accept it, then move into visualizing the good stuff!
BUT putting SSSOOOO much stock in the outcome is a set up for pain.
How about this: "I see myself at that job....I am doing great things."
However, getting too attached to that outcome does not leave room for a BETTER possibility to come along.
So add this:" if I don't get this exact job, it just means another/BETTER opportunity is just around the bend!!!"
It's ALL good, Happy, I mean Hoppy!!! ALL systems are go!!!
(sending this all to you, BAM!! did you get it?)