Author Topic: to Movin on  (Read 1472 times)


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to Movin on
« on: March 29, 2006, 06:45:20 PM »
I have to say that your comment about the show being good even though it was not "God-centered" was disturbing to me. I have a problem with religions that ostracise others' belief if they are different.  It just feels like religious racism.  My want is for you to understand that there are plenty of us on this board that actually do have morals even though we do not follow your bible.   

There are "good" people out there who do not even believe in jesus.  Over half of the world is not Christian, but believe in a power higher than themselves.  Surely they are not all delusional.

I want to come to this board for support free from religious judgement.  THat is why I am not going to a church for this kind of support.


Movin, Though I'm not withdrawing my original comment, as that is what I stand by, all I will say is that, some followers of the Bible who adhere to the non-denominational beliefs, would disagree with you on some points here.  Yes, there are "good" people who do not even believe in Jesus.  satan even BELIEVES in Jesus and is NOT good. 

The point of my saying that the show was not GOD-FOCUSED, but good, is that I generally do not prefer shows, that don't have some sort of redeemable quality to them.  This show, however, impressed me, in spite of the lacking in "my" type of Biblical spirituality.  Again, I must emphasize that I am not "religious" and I despise the very word "religion," except when it comes to referring to caring for widows and orphans, as mentioned in the Bible.  I have a personal relationship with a Spirit-man named Yahuwshu`a (Jesus).



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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 07:19:54 PM »
Reallyme   Quote by Brigid to Reallyme  "I do get a strong sense of challenging from you,however you make statements which you know will be controversial then become defensive if others show offense.I know you are a bright woman and am quite sure you know what you are saying will be problematic for many people,but you choose to not temper those statements.You obviously are not new to the world of message boards ,so must have encountered these issues before."

I am feeling somehow this has all happened before.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2006, 07:21:36 PM by moonlight52 »


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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2006, 07:35:31 PM »
ReallyMe -

I appreciate your imput.  I got a lot of "religious" stuff shoved down my throat by my didter who moved from denomination to denomination all in the SEARCH for something.  That something usually turns out to be personal growth that the person has not gone through  out of not wanting to have to face the fear of looking within.  My sister and her husband waited around for things saying that god would provide.  Well, yes, if they get off their religious backside to help themselves walk through the door that's been opened for them.

I've heard people in my circle refer to "black-belt" religion for those who "find jesus" then try to cram him down us "sinners" throats.

I wanted to be honest and say that this kind of attitude triggers me and I realize it's a trigger.  For the crammer, it's THEIR stuff.  

I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to look within myself around this trigger.  Thank you for saying that you agree there are good people that don't believe in jesus.  There are a lot of us who work awfully hard to do the "right", "moral" thing to be discounted b/c we don't believe in a man.

Moon & Sugarre - I agree. 

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.


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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2006, 08:04:30 PM »
Movin: My sister and her husband waited around for things saying that god would provide.  Well, yes, if they get off their religious backside to help themselves walk through the door that's been opened for them.

AMEN to this!  There are so many people who try to blame GOD for not providing for them, when they won't go back to school or get a job or do SOMETHING.  The Bible is clear on "be not only HEARERS but doers of the work."  God is not going to "do it all" for people...that's why He sent His Spirit as the Guide and also gave us brains and told us to "ask God for WISDOM who gives freely without shaming and scolding."

Another thing, many people complain about their circumstances but make excuses for not going to the doctors or the proper facilities to deal with things.  God is not a genie in a bottle, although He will meet needs and bless people.  He will not be made a fool of either.

I couldn't agree with you more, Movin, and your feelings are the very thing that gives the wrong idea about who Jesus is and what He's actually like and causes many to either stumble, feel abused, beaten down or just plain think church and God is not for them.

Blessya for your candidness.

Moon, I love ya and I'm proud of ya for having the guts to say what you think of me.  Do I stir up controversy on message boards?  You betcha.  I never have been a conformist, and that's why people with narcissism who tried to control me and still try, can't STAND me!

I LOVE THIS PLACE AND ALL OF YOU WONDERFULLY DIVERSE PEOPLE!  Have an AWESOME NIGHT!  I'll be back but spending time with my little girls watching tv now...One Tree Hill, American Idol and Unanimous...I love reality shows :)



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Re: to Movin on, important correction...please forgive me on this one
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2006, 11:31:46 PM »
ToMovin from ReallyME:
I couldn't agree with you more, Movin, and your feelings are the very thing that gives the wrong idea about who Jesus is and what He's actually like and causes many to either stumble, feel abused, beaten down or just plain think church and God is not for them.

OOPS, I goofed!  I didn't mean to say that your feelings were what give the wrong idea...I meant that I agree with you that people are given the wrong idea about who Jesus is.  I was trying to AGREE with your statement about needing to get off their backsides and do something.  Sorry I worded that wrongly.  Please forgive me for that error.



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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2006, 12:54:22 AM »
Hi Reallyme     OPPS! I goofed  up on message board boundaries I thought thread was going into circles .
                              Reallyme you were addressing your post to Movin on not to me.
                              So Sweet Dreams


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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2006, 01:35:05 AM »

Actually I originally addressed my post to both of you, but then I re-posted a correction to the one I posted to Movinon, because I realized I worded things wrongly.  At any rate, it's all good, girl. Smile and hugs



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Re: to Movin on
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2006, 02:34:26 AM »
Reallyme   HUGS BACK AT YA          MOON