Hi, Moonlight. I am glad to hear your voice today.
Fear is something I know sooo very well. It (fear) ran most of my life, until I chose to take it back.
Fear is an emotion, thus in our minds, but it can be so very powerful, it seems to have it's own life, it's own power, even without our consent.
So many things have helped me, and it would take a while to write them down (and I don't even have time to write this, but I felt compelled)....so I will just put down a few:
loving kindness of people (like here!) and choosing to see that
a book called "Fearless Living" by Rhonda Britton and choosing to take from that what suited me and my life
the book: The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle and choosing to delve into those ideas
my therapist and choosing to stick it out with her through some tough stuff
and more...but the all time biggie:
MY OWN MIND. I created the fear, I can choose to use it or have it use me. It's MY choice. So that's why I put the choosing thing in the above list: it is choice...free will if you like, but we all have it. It's just that FEAR sometimes creates a veil where we cannot see that power of choice we have. So here's to lifting the veil!!
Being courageous doesn't mean you don't feel fear. It means you feel the fear, but do what you must anyway.
OH, I got that from a Pema Chodron book (not sure which one) and it is from a story where someone tells her that about herself. So I will add Pema's books to that list. SHE is so loving and kind and funny and talks a LOT about fear and how it cripples us....or how we cripple ourselves with it.
I'm not sure you quite realize how very brave you are...you posted this, opened up, and did it with loving intention....and guess what? The universe/God loved you back, through us!!!
So I guess that's the last part, or the one that ties it together,,,,have faith: In goodness, in God, in the core of love that keeps the universe alive....