Have you read any child development stuff? How the different genders respond to different types of love and support from each parent?
Fathers help girls to relate to men, feel okay around men (or not). They also help the little girl separate from mom and take steps into the big wide world. Mom loves you and cares for you when you’re very small and she’s the first person you bond with (usually). Dad is the one who shows you things, shows you your own personal power in the world (he helps you walk, run, climb trees, explore) and if you’re very lucky, he’ll give you the sense that the world is an exciting place where you will be able to thrive as you grow.
Okay that’s the perfect parents and they don’t exist.

From your list it seems your Dad did the exact opposite.
My stepdad had the effect on me of all your list points, but to a much lesser degree. I think it helped that he wasn’t my bio-dad and he wasn’t around when I was a baby. My bio-dad though has made me feel as though anything good that happens to me isn’t a result of my efforts, it’s a result of others smiling upon me, as though I don’t have any value in myself. He says things like “well they must think a lot of you to give you that job” and putting any achievements down to luck.
Our dads give us the framework for how men are going to respect us, love us and they give us a big sense of self-worth.