I've been meditating this morning, I did the deep relaxation technique ( I've had a lot of tension which is causing me jaw grinding )
Once I was completely relaxed I had this image of me as a baby, so I imagined being rocked as a baby.
But no matter how many times I put my mother there rocking me, the image wouldn't stay.
So no, I guess I don't believe my mother loved me, and I know she found it hard to nurture. She believed comforting babies was wrong somehow, and told me we were left to cry; she was very proud that her babies never cried after a few weeks old.
When I look at my son I have many feelings, but the strongest one is love. I enjoy seeing his face, hearing what he has to say, helping him work out problems and solutions. It's important enough for me to put aside or work through my own stuff: he is more than me; I sense children need to know that on some level, a sort-of compensation for the responsibility we place on them to fulfill our expectations too.
He was tired this morning ( the Astros went on for 14 innings last night! ) and at one point he groaned and just leaned into me for a hug. It's like I know exactly what he feels and what he needs at that minute. There's a complete acceptance and being in the moment.
I don't think my mother ever saw beyond her own issues to share moments like that with us. She didn't know how to give or receive unconditional love.
My sister says she was closer to her last child, from her second marriage, I never saw enough of them to tell. What I did see didn't look very healthy but maybe I'm biased, or the unpleasantness was directed at me.
Though she left us she always saw the fact we didn't pursue her as a rejection; the truth was we were busy growing up and she didn't know enough about any of us to take part in that.
My mother wasn't N, I suspect she was bipolar but absolutely no insight into mental illness at all. SHe simply didn't believe in it.
In fact she got into spiritualism when I was about 10, and would rather believe in that.
Very sad.
I've written about my father many times, he's Borderline PD if I have to guess, you're either evrything or nothign to him and I've been out of favour since I started setting my own boundaries a few years ago!
His love is a rather demanding clinging type, though I have had moments of fun and shared connection with him.
My ex? He is N.
And yes, he loves me very much and there are many connections on many levels.
But the acting out and his inability to be intimate so much of the time, and his anger and denial- made me give up on te marriage.
I just can't spend the rest of my life waiting for him to do the things he needs to do.
Currently he's ill and I'm watching him do just about everything to avoid dealing with it...he just isn't 'equal partner' material especially for me, I have to be really healthy these days to keep myself together!