Hi Petra,
Yes, if someone else likes something that I have indicated I like, then it's acceptable. I am glad to know I am not the only one... gosh this disease is crazy-making! I have blamed myself for turning my parents off for so long! I thought it was my lack of... who knows... that made me so undesirable! I am glad to know that this is a documented form of control. All the tidbits of knowledge, while not erasing the problem, are helping me realize that I am not a bad or mean person. And, Petra, the honest truth is that I just don't tell my mom much of anything anymore. She just warps whatever I say into some weird idea... or a mean idea.
How are things moving along for you? Have you started to make any decisions about how to move forward? I sure would not like to be in your shoes! It is terrible as a child, but it must be awful to run into this as an adult.
Thanks again for the links. I am going to go back and reread some of the info today.
Love, Beth