Hi All- pay attention to your gut. You know in your heart of hearts the answers to all your questions and suspicions. Make no mistake about it, you are currently with an addict. I'm an addict and although I'm clean and sober, I was an addict long before I picked up. My addiction goes everywhere in my life- money, work, food, shoes, men, love, sex, etc etc. I noticed that you mentioned you had been seeing this guy daily for four months. I recognize that pattern from my own behavior and I now see it's not healthy to jump into something with both feet, eyes wide shut!!! and see them every day,spend every hour you can with them, break commitments with other friends, alter your lifestyle to suit them, start drifting away and losing yourself- in YOUR FANTASY. I have been a love, men and sex junkie longer than I was a dope fiend!!!! I agree 100% with the RUN RUN RUN....NOW feedback. Your addict is active in his addiction and will destroy you. you're worth more than that and you can't rescue or change him. He is what he is. I believe that when one is healthy and has healthy self love, respect and boundaries, one doesn't attract or tolerate addicts, liars, predators, Ns etc. Healthy people attract healthy people. I can now see what a truly sick and twisted person I was in my active addiction and how I hurt people who tried to love me. I'm not that person today and I have room in my life only for healthy people who are worthy of my love and who truly love me. No secrets, lies, manipulation, cruelty, selfishness etc. Not perfect by any means- not even in the ball park and it's not remotely a " goal"!!! But I am a pretty decent, kind woman. Hugs, Moira