THanks everyone for your kind words. The "almost affair" happened like this. We hired a GC (general contractor) to build our house and from the get go I had these feelings towards him. DH and I had already been married about 18 years and on a few occasions during those years, other men would make advances (some slight, some not---and I know this happens to everyone so it's no big deal) and I was always totally repulsed at the idea that these guys would even think that I would stoop to such a level. I had very high morals for myself. Anyway, the GC came along not long after my dad died and DH and I were at a really rocky point in our marriage and the GC was so nice that our relationship just blossomed. Actually what transpired between the GC and I would qualify as an "emotional affair" and that phase went on for about 6 months. It was obvious to his crew, I'm sure, and to anyone just about who saw us together. Anyway one day he and I were discussing electrical details at the new house site and it was getting late and his crew was leaving and he suggested that he and I stay and work on the details some more. His brother, however, would have none of that and kept encouraging GC to leave by saying, "we need to go set that sign". The weather was really cold and the GC went out to his truck, got the space heater and set it up in the house and asked me to wait for him to come back, and I did. Gosh it's shameful to admit all of this, I sound so cheap. Anyway, he knew that I like Bud light in the bottle and so he left some of those and brought back some more and we drank and discussed the lighting some more and then things went kinda sour. I was more intoxicated than he was (not drunk, just buzzing) and I leaned over to kiss him and he pulled back and said "No, I have a really good woman at home and I don't want to mess that up" Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather!! So as I turned to leave he tried to hug me and I jerked away and he said, "But I love YOU" and I was so pissed at being rejected that I didn't miss a beat and I said, very hatefully, "WELL, THAT'S JUST GREAT!" and I walked out. About half way to my car he called after me and asked, "You just gonna leave?" and I answered yes and he said, "I'm sorry" and I said "It's o.k., don't worry about it" AND I WENT INTO MAJOR DEPRESSION!! I thought I was gonna die! I was so in love with him and he had given me every sign that he was interested, set up us being alone , backs away from my advance but then says he loves me???????? All of that happened on a Friday and Sunday afternoon I called him because I knew he'd be worried sick (and of course I was glad he was worried sick cuz I was so hurt and mad) about what I was gonna do. So I called and he immediately said, "I'm so glad you called" and I told him I was sorry about what had happened and that I hope it wouldn't ruin our friendship and he said it wouldn't. We talked a few times after that about the incident and he would say, "I have a really good woman at home and I don't want to mess that up" and I told him that I'd never been unfaithful to my husband and that I was sorry for my behaviour, blah, blah, blah but I was so depressed.
At this point I had what can only be described as a very near nervous breakdown. I wasn't hospitalized, but I cried all the time and was so depressed and suicidal. I finally told my husband all about it and he about blew a gasket. I went to counseling some and DH went once. Everyday was just another day to try to get through. I was totally obsessed with this guy and I have to add that I have a best friend who told me all along to back off of him and that my behaviour was obsession and I have to credit her for telling me the truth even when it made me mad.
So I gave GC the cold shoulder for awhile, avoiding the work site, etc,,,, Next thing I know, when I finally started getting back involved in the building process again, he started giving me those long, engaging looks again---you know the kind where you look at each other and the world stands still and he'd call me about stuff with the house that really wasn't necessary and dern if it didn't all start over again

The next times (and there were more than one) when he tried for us to be alone were much less obvious, and I won't bore you with the details, but it never happened. Then for some reason

he began to be more distant and that was depressing as hell all over again.
When I'm with him, I feel so complete. It's a feeling I've never had before. Just being in his presence is enough, it doesn't have to be sexual. Isn't that crazy?? And the even crazier part is this, he's probably a lot more like my father than my DH is. My DH is a professional man, well educated, extremely intelligent, very straight forward, well groomed, very high morals---but DH and I never really clicked. I married him to get away from my parents. The GC is more country and not highly educated--that's the part that is like my dad-- I wouldn't want to ever marry him because actually I'd be embarrassed to be his wife

, but he can be so warm and kind and when he looks at me I feel special. I guess that's it, he makes me feel special and desired. When I'm with him I don't feel lonely. I can be with DH and feel a hole the size of Texas inside of me. I even feel lonely when I'm with my kids, in fact I think I feel the most lonely when I'm with them and I wonder if that isn't some harkening back to my lonely childhood. I make a very hard effort to not be distant with them and to not be emtionally unavailable as my parents were and I think I do a fair job, I probably could do better.
Another thing, is that I didn't even realize how unconnected I was to LOVE until out GC came along. He awakened a whole part of me that had either been dormant or dead for a very long time.
DH knows I have some emotional scarring from my childhood and he and I have worked things out and in many ways our marriage is much better than before the GC entered the picture EXCEPT that I can't seem to get over the GC. I saw him today and it kills me every time I see him. Why can't I feel those warm, happy, special feelings with my DH or with others? Why only with the GC?? I've tried so hard. I've prayed. Am I only attracted to him because I know I can't have him and wouldn't really want him if I could?? Is GC my father reincarnated (so to speak) in his unavailability?? I think it must be more than that.