Author Topic: Beauty is a verb  (Read 2471 times)


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Beauty is a verb
« on: May 10, 2006, 05:06:16 AM »
Art is about being being awake, alive , able to feel, and beauty is its moment.Art and spirit meet in many places.Waterfalls.Rose gardens
In the eyes of your teenage daughter that wants to be driven to the mall.There is no shortage of lovely objects but the beautiful experiences requires no tickets.Lets go to the playground with the kids and take a walk and really see the elegance of the trees.
We keep the wonder in our hearts .Beauty develops the mind and heart.I have been reading Richard Feynman Physicists and poet in his books he said beauty is the organizing principle of nature the structure of the universe .Seeing Beauty.......................................
Its all around us..............................what experiences of beauty do you hold dear in your life?
I will go first when I held my 2 baby girls for the first time .......................beautiful
« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 05:08:43 AM by moonlight52 »


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 05:54:09 AM »
Oh my Moonlight!

There is beauty everywhere. There’s beauty in ugliness too.

“The love between the ugly, is the most beautiful of all”
(Does anybody love you? album: “A wizard a true star” Todd Rundgren) This is the one album I’d take to the desert island!

There’s beauty in the kettle I’m about to use to make a coffee and there’s loads of beauty and love in food. Oh-oh….think I’m hungry  :D :arrow: fridge, cupboard :mrgreen:

A random quote paraphrased from a book:

Q: What was the most important day of your life?
A: Today.
Q: Today? Why?
A: Today is always the most important day of my life.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 06:11:00 AM by Portia »


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 06:39:48 AM »
Dear Portia Yes to find beauty in what we call the mundane .well does my 13 year olds stinky sneakers count ? finding beauty
within and believe me the stink is within the sneakers                     oh yeah...........................................................


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 07:10:23 AM »
Moon about those stinky sneakers…I was looking for something else and found this:

There's a richness to all of the smelly stuff that we so dislike and so little desire.

 :DHaha! Here:


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 08:15:47 AM »

Wow!  I LOVE this.  Thank you for this lovely post.  I was thinking as I read how rapidly I slid into "stinkin' thinkin'" the past year and a half.  At every turn I was disappointed by people I thought would do the right thing.  I felt like I was hung out to dry.  As social as I think I am, I made a very conscious decision to isolate myself as I could not endure one more heartache.

Yet, spring is here.  I see colorful flowers coming up through cracks in parking lot pavement - cracks that has been sloppily covered with black tar with the intent of ceasing such growth.  Beauty still demands to exist!  It will not blend in with the hardened rock around it.  Instead, it sprouts its color with all the pride of a peacock expanding its feathers for a desired mate. 

I am finding my way back to "being present" these days.  Yes.  As you said, in the simple things.  Last night I laid in the car with my daughter as my son played soccer and we visited.  I do believe the greatest thing I can offer my children, as a mother, is a voice.  I listened to hers last night - what a beautiful sound!

This morning I reluctantly rolled out of bed to the yipes of our new puppy.  I made my way to the coffee pot and tried to ignore her chewing on my slippers as I dragged her across the floor with me.  I was annoyed.  Then, I looked at her and wondered if I had ever greeted a new day with quite that amount of enthusiasm and zeal.  Again, what beauty!!!  I was moved to get down onto the hard, cold kitchen floor and play.

This morning the sun is shining and I have food in my refrigerator and everyone in my house is healthy.  I have all that I need.

Thank you, again, Moon...  (A hug for you)...

Change the way you see the world and you will change the world.


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 08:40:41 AM »
Moon, about the banal. I did something yesterday that I could have got annoyed about. I vacuumed up and gave the laptop a good bit of suction to get the dust out of the fans etc (yes it does get that bad and I’m only obsessive about the things I touch a lot – like the laptop and worktops, the rest can wait)……banal I said!

Anyway, I had the nozzle over the keys…and…yep [click, click, clunk] :shock: one of the keys came straight off together with the eensy weensy stuff underneath it. Oh bum! :x

So instead of thinking “I can’t fix this” I thought “maybe I can fix this?”. Aha! Got the vacuum bag out on the lawn, found three tiny miniscule fiddly bits (and the \ key top) and then sat for ages figuring out how it all fitted together (like a little springy z-bed actually). Then had to sit and concentrate on getting this stuff back together and my….it tested my patience! I decided I wasn’t going to swear, not once....

And it worked. and i didn't swear :D Okay no big deal really and very boring BUT the way I felt was great. Instead of getting annoyed with myself (for being so 'stupid' for doing it in the first place) I fixed it and did it painlessly. All it took was attitude and concentration and the willingness to get it done. A tiny thing but kinda relevant.


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 10:03:09 AM »
Oh Moon I love this one!!  There are so many small beauty's in the world eh?  And paying attention helps, I think.

And I especially like the idea of beauty as a verb.  We could all beauty some stuff eh?

Thanks for posting this.

Hi Sheriff: 
I am finding my way back to "being present" these days

I'm so glad for you!  That is wonderful to hear!  Sounds like a metamorphosis!  I can hear the lovely little voice of your child and see the rambunctious little pup and you tossing on the floor.  What beauty!!  Thanks for sharing those lovely healing pictures.  :D :D :D

Hey P:

All it took was attitude and concentration and the willingness to get it done. A tiny thing but kinda relevant.

Wow!  I'd say that's way up there and lots more than relevant.  Attitude.  Concentration.  Will.

Those are biggies eh?  And the thought that help direct it all:

"Maybe I can fix this?"  Cool P.  8)  Good thinking!!  That one thought helped you bypass a whole bunch of useless junk, I think.  That's not tiny at all imo.  You beauty'd that event P!!

 :D Sela


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2006, 11:32:49 AM »
well does my 13 year olds stinky sneakers count ?

Moonlight, Gauguin loved a painting by Van Gogh of his old shoes so much that he wrote a letter about it (it's posted somewhere on the net.) Apparently Van Gogh nursed a sick person once and somehow to him the shoes became symbol of this entire passage.

Love, Marta


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2006, 02:08:44 PM »
Marta ,That is so beautiful.I remember when I first went to the Guggenhenheim Art Museum in New York .I was 9 years old .In those days they just had a ruby colored velvet rope out from the paintings about four feet from the wall to protect the paintings .And also guards .Well ,I had lost my southern mom dressed in the latest BRITISH tweeds and was on my own FOR A SECOND.I knew mom was just a  step ahead. The exhibit was Van Gogh ,what does a 9 year want to do TOUCH ONE !
and thats what I tried to do .I leaned into the rope and up to the painting.The painting was the Irises.And then there was A GUARD rushing over to stop me.My impulse
just overcame every thing where I was ,the trouble I surly would be in from N FATHER .All I saw were the Irises. I DID NOT BEHAVE .
The painting was not touched just reached for by a very small 9 year old 's hand.


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2006, 11:15:14 PM »
Sometimes beauty becomes apparent over time.  When I first got into gardening I subscribed to several magazines.  One was about English Gardening.  The idea was that the garden was beautiful in each season even if it wasn't a growing or blooming season.  So, you pay attention to how features will look year round and in all weather, even winter snow.  So, that is somewhat how I garden.

I have rocks placed throughout three of the beds.  In the hot dry summer they can look dull and be covered by some of the plants.  But when it rains, they darken and the colors and patterns of the rocks show up as well.  Beautiful to see this change.  Oranges, yellows, pinks, sparkles.  In the winter sometimes they will melt the snow and show up as very dark.  Sometimes they stay covered up and you see mounds in something of a pattern.

In the spring with the plants you have new colors of greens, yellows, reds and blacks depending on what perennials there are.  Summer is summer of course.  Then if you leave plants to go to seed or dry out you wind up with a completely different palette in the fall.  White (lunaria/money-plant/silver dollar plant--that's where I got "pennyplant" from), dark brown almost black, light brown or tan.  Seed pods, round, flat, some like small potatoes, some sticking out all over like with cone flowers.  So much to look at.  And before I learned about this, much of it I would have thought ugly and would have pulled it up or tried to neaten it up.  Gardening is much more enjoyable this way.  Much more beautiful, IMO.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2006, 12:41:22 AM »
I'm totally in need of stopping and smelling the roses lately. When I am at peace and content, everything is nice around me and I love each part of my day and all of the things that go along with it. Lately, I have been rushing too much and not SEEING. This weekend I spent a gorgeous day in the sun and swam in the warm and clear waters of the beach behind my house. The kids splashe dand played and tried to dig a hole through to the other side of the Earth. I want to take my kids to dinner at their favorite restaurant this week... a place on the ocean. They give you bread and you throw it into the water and all sorts of tropical fish swim right up to the porch. These are the things I love. I wonder why I let myself get blind to them and all wrapped around the dulling situations that crop up??????
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Beauty is a verb
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2006, 07:27:03 AM »
those beach days sound wonderful! I hope you can enjoy many of them. And join in digging through to the other side of the earth too (I do that :D).

Beauty, quality…. an expanding curiosity?

“The real purpose of the scientific method is to make sure Nature hasn't misled you into thinking you know something you actually don't know.”
(Robert M Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)

We tend to mistake our beliefs, which are thoughts about reality, for reality. (Unknown)

It is impossible for anyone to learn that which he thinks he already knows. (Plutarch)