***I can appreciate this man's kindness, goodness, and even some of his child-like ways. However, I am looking for a partner that I can build a life with. Build a life together.
Right now, I am visiting my spiritual Mom, who has a son-in-law that is very much the man you described, especially in the childlike ways. In my viewpoint, it's very dangerous to decide to marry anyone who hasn't grown up yet. Of course it's fun to do childlike things, but when it keeps the person from living life as the adult that they are, and you are the other person in the situation, relying on them to do their "adult part," well, that just spells a lot of frustration and "GROW UP ALREADY" yelling matches between you both.
I feel you are wise in "looking before you leap." Again, I will say, when it comes to mental illnesses, chances are pretty high that, when a parent has a disorder, it has and will effect the child/child-adult in some way. It's highly possible that this man is waiting till he marries you, to let his true colors fully show. It's also possible that I'm all wet in this...but, I have a feeling, not very likely.
My daughter also dated a "playful, childlike man" for quite a while. He had a steady job, after going through many jobs...he went to church "just for my daughter" and he loved acting goofy and silly, but came from a dysfunctional family, where his mother left him at an early age. He now looks for women to "mother" him, and clings to them for dear life, draining them, till they finally act on his "self-fulfilled" prophecy of "women always leave me."
Again, I commend you for not going into this with your eyes closed, but considering it realistically and noting the red flags early on! BRAVO Geneveive!