Hi again, Portia (thanks, I did have a good swim),
Read this, and lauged out loud, big Santa Claus laugh.
I see all the ‘Portias’ lined up and feel….silly sometimes! Immediately started typing 'oh, don't feel silly, Portia'...then realized I did the same thing yesterday. Posted twice in one sitting, wanted to do a third--then I pictured
three LoHs lined up, got horrified, and boogied instead. The point I should have made, anyway: when I see all the 'Portias' lined up, it's like finding a caramel in my sock drawer. Only better, 'cause caramels melt quick and I know your posts will be full of food for thought and wry stories, which last longer and don't feel nasty on my teeth afterwards.
imho, you make an excellent point about confusion and boundaries. If it's a true boundary, I feel no doubt at all when someone crosses...last time it happened, cocked my head all the way sideways like my dog does when he thinks he heard 'biscuit' but isn't sure. Uh, did you
really just say that? Hey, step back from that boundary, Bubba!
btw, hats off to you for not understanding why setting a boundary could cause guilt. Good for you! Glad you shared this, made me search back for my last guilt-inducing boundary. So thanks for the progress check. Just a guess, but I bet guilt over setting boundaries is rampant. Between rationalizions, self-worth stuff, denial, and communication stress, I think there's a lot of courage involved in just spitting it out, not to mention the whole range of hostile responses any masterful boundary stomper can whip out.
Thanks again for starting this fabulous thread, Portia. Takes a lot of thought, care and luck, imho, to set boundaries effectively.
Nighty, all.