Dear Hope,
Hi, nice to meet you. Thank you (and your R/L hand) for replying. I feel good when what I wrote receives some/any feedback, sharing, comments, refection (anything). And if I don't receive any feedback, then, yeah, I feel the pain of being ignored. How quickly do I regress even via this medium.
You hit a hot word: Pride. Oh, my oh my. If the whole world would just stop for two months and do nothing but talk about Pride!
"What you think of me is more important than what I feel about myself!" And doesn't this all go back to men not loving their partners enough to let them feel safe, cause if women felt safe from their men, then women wouldn't "use" their children as mirrors for them. Then the poor kids never get to be seen. I wish men could do real men's work (stop watching WWF), get together and work it out to the point where they can really love a woman. They say we shouldn't idealize the old men's initiation rituals, but give me a time machine, I'll join those guys any day and come back as a man. I'll even take the chance that I may not survive it. What's the point of living like a boy trapped in a mirror (look forward to reading that book).
I like your metaphor: The left hand gives (heart) and the right hand (head) doesn't calculate. I have put my interpretation on your metaphor.
What do you think?
If anyone hasn't seen this, I highly recommend it: