I was with an NPD for a long time that I broke away from, and although he is walking down the wedding aisle with another woman (also NPD) in a month, he chose to call me today, while I am six months pregnant with my husband's child, to tell me how much he loves me and wants me and that it will never be over for him. Of course I was greatly, greatly upset after the call and started to feel poorly physically. He hurt me so badly while we were together, has never apologized of course for his wrongs, and in fact, spat it all back on me, name-calling, saying I rant and rave, etc., etc. He has never taken any responsibility for things he did, and now he won't even think of my health. It's all baout him and it always will be and woe to the woman who is marrying him. WE MUST ALL LOOK INSIDE OURSELVES TO SEE WHY WE EVER HELD ON TO AN NPD. Coming up with strategies to keep him/her in your marriage will not work. The only thing you can do is get help for yourself and hopefully realize it has NOTHING to do with you and get the hell out of there! I mean that with all of my heart.